Friday 30 September 2016

Happy Day 87

Although I was extremely out of breath and had little to no energy I decided to head to school and push through this week. Was I wrong or WAS I WRONG TO DO SO..!!!

Today is Sunday; September 25th

Since I started losing my voice last Thursday then almost got it back through the weekend, I thought it would be absolutely fine to push through this week and get on with stuff. The problem was that I pushed way too much and I ended up losing my voice completely at the end of the school day. I was extremely devastated as I had no voice by the time I was going to my private lesson, but I pushed and I was exhausted.

I had to call in sick for the radio and I ended up giving a late lesson for my student as she is travelling very soon. I was still exhausted and ended up gong home to relax and the herbalist in me thought why not have a clove of garlic before going to bed as it might help get my voice back.

And I completely forgot to mention that My student gave me some dried seaweed snack which I ADORE and I love although everyone is fussing about how it hold no nutritional value..!! I DON'T CARE..

The Evening is passing and I have no energy so have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Saturday 24 September 2016

Happy Day 86

My day off with no work, social life and nothing, let's start reflecting instead...

Today is Friday; September 23rd

I planned ages ago to start homeschooling my lil one as I still haven't found a school that will take him with his disability and is ready to conduct oral examinations for him. However, my plan of homeschooling has failed miserably. The problem is that I am constantly working to provide him with the health care he needs and the personal care he needs. I am also working between my full time and part time jobs. It is sometimes overwhelming to the extend that I hardly see my lil one and I hardly spend any time with him (poor child..!!).

When I look back at his life, poor thing, I feel like I missed out on many goals he had achieved. It is extremely sad but it is very expensive and maintaining a good life style is very difficult specially when you are a single mother. My lil one is still attending an activity centre in the morning where he interacts with other children, however, school is still not on my list. I have been told about 2 schools one of which is ready to accept him the way he is and put him with his peers who are his age, I will be visiting this school very soon and he might start with them after Christmas. Another school which is known as the best Arabic Language school in Khartoum, is on my list but I don't have a lot of information on that school except that it is extremely far.

Finding a school is not only a difficult part in any parent's journey but it is also draining to a crazy extend. I am blessed that I decided to stop him from school this year as it was increasing the stress between us and our relationship has grown to become very intense and extremely uncomfortable due to the amount of school work he had to do, not putting in mind his Cerebral Palsy and all the physical limitation it had on his muscle control.

I understand him more now and I do allow my lil one a bit of space to do things the way he wants to do it without the intensity of perfecting his handwriting, his writing skills and reading skills. I only started loving him for the person he is not the image I wan him to be. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 85

It was tough, very tough, as in very very very tough today, my little monkeys were all over the place and I tried my best to contain myself and keep a smile till the last minute.. and guess what..!! I SUCCEEDED (^_^)

Today is Thursday; September 22nd

I was extremely excited because it was the end of the week, however, I had a lot of work to finish and I was behind in everything. The day started on a great note where I got to school on time, my little ones were ready in no time for the swimming and we got there and enjoyed our time. The problem occurred when we got back to school, managed to finish our spelling and assessments on time but my little ones started becoming more and more energetic and out of control for no reason. They ended up calming down after watching a short animated movie for about 5 minutes long which was great.

Every time my little ones act up and start becoming all over the place, I feel like I am an incapable teacher. It hits me right in the core.!! Anywho, instead of letting this thought conquer my soul, I killed it and nipped it from the bud straight away and continued with my crazy day with my cheeky monkeys.

After school, my voice started disappearing slowly but surely and I ended up scraping the private lesson with a bit of voice, however, my voice started disappearing completely at the radio. My voice was cracking badly and sounded bad on air but I continued with the little voice I had.

I decided to take the weekend off with no lessons nor visits nor work to help my voice recover a bit in preparation for next week.

With no voice and hardly any energy I wish you all a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^) 

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Happy Day 84

The day I got hold of it again. I tried to get everything together and started appreciating my days and my busy life a lot more. I still have everything and it feels like I am trying to swim against the current.

Today is Wednesday; September 21st

Another rough night and another rough day at school. Last night I hardly slept due to the electricity cut outs that happened because of the thunderstorm. I had to struggle in the morning because not only did I not have any sleep but I also am getting sicker and sicker by the minute. I am carrying a very strange chest infection that is not clearing. I had to take my lil one to the centre because I know that no one will look after him at home and no one will take him to the physo session he needs. Although I know I am the sole adult responsible of my lil one, I still need some people to help me out and to carry my burden with me. I need a support and a backbone that I can turn to whenever I am down and struggling to survive and stay on top of all my hurdles.

School was fine today as y lil ones were behaving nicely and I was able to control them a lot better. I started them on a class tree of behaviour where they have to collect 25 leaves to get reworded by being part of a group activity such as a movie night and so on. I was also happy with their work in the ART lesson where they did a water cycle in a paper plate which turned out to be a massive success.

Now I am trying to stay up at the Radio as I have a couple of private lessons right after, however, I am finding it extremely difficult to do so. I am surviving on pure coffee this week, may it all come to an end very soon as I am draining all my stored energy from the holiday.

Have a Great Evening for now Lovelies (^_^) 

Happy Day 83

The day I effed up massively at work and I feel so crap that I don't want to face anyone. In other words, the day my castle came tumbling down off the top of this Happy Hill.

Today is Tuesday; September 20th

The day was extremely rough as I was still feeling under the weather and I wasn't able to take my lil one to the centre nor to the physiotherapy session (although I arranged a taxi to pick him up and drop him at physio and the guy cancelled last minute...argh..!!). School was extremely rough too because I found out that I sent the wrong homework with the students and it was NOT RIGHT..!! I felt very bad about the mistake and I felt like a failure for missing that out on my main plan.

I also planned to stay after school, however, I failed to do that too because I felt extremely horrible. I decided to go home to relax to find out that there wasn't any electricity at home and my lil one and his cousin were sitting around enjoying the heat wave. I was extremely fed up..!!! And what made it all even worse is that the orders which I was meant to collect after school have been postponed to after Radio.

After Radio, I had to wait to collect my orders, drop an order all the way in the city centre and get back home to an empty house where the little ones were extremely tired and had no supervision. My mum left to attend a little gathering and my sister was at the hospital. I felt very exhausted and extremely drained as soon as I got home, but I had to feed the little one and put the rest to sleep. I felt all alone this day as if no one is there to help me out, I had no support and no one to talk to. Life is difficult as it is and no one is trying to make it easier.

At least I got a bag of coffee from Ethiopia from my dearest friend Maria as well as earrings. more earrings to my collection and a gift from France from another great friend Irina.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies for now, I need to rest my eyes (^_^)

Monday 19 September 2016

Happy Day 82

A sleepless night filled with tossing and turning and aggravating fever.

Today is Monday; September 19th

I honestly just wanted to curl up in bed this evening, switch off my phone and not to face the world. If it wasn't for my students and the fact that I know no one will be able to complete my plan the way I want to, I would have been spending the night at home with my lil one who was also not feeling well as all. I dragged myself out of bed with my feverish body and drowsy head and upset stomach. I had to sip on Lemon juice so as to stop myself from emptying my stomach first thing in the morning. Due to my unknown sickness my lil one had to stay at home too (Thankfully his shadow teacher called me first thing in the morning and she informed me of her inability to attend school today because her son broke his hand @_@).

I walked ever so slowly to the rickshaw which I had to wait for for a bit then I got to school quite early. I was unable to walk up the stairs nor sit and print my work, my only saving grace was my first lesson which will be taught by the Arabic Teacher. As I dragged my feet down the stairs to prepare the lesson worksheets, I decided to get some coffee which was my last resort before informing the principal of my decision of going home a bit early due to my sickness. I got my coffee made for me by my great Ethiopian friend Tigis and I accidentally met the principal whom I told of my illness and my health condition. As soon as I sipped a bit of the coffee I felt energetic instantly and I felt like nothing was wrong. I decided to continue my day without cutting it short as if nothing had happened, thankfully my little monkeys behaved superb and that what helped me continue the day with great energy. I also had another sip of coffee just to make sure that its effect will continue even after the school hours as I had my private lesson and Radio.

The private lesson was great, it is flowing quite smoothly and I am able to complete the unit in time before she travels back to China. Radio went well but the best part of it was getting a present of Sarah (who works at the Radio and just got back from Tunisia and she also started the 362 days of happiness after witnessing my 100 days of happiness). I FINALLY GOT NEW EARRINGS and a HERBAL SOUP (^_^)

With my exhausting day and my draining evening I must say Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^) 

Happy Day 81

I always go through bouts of anxiety attacks on my first day of school, whether that first day is actually first day of school or just the first after a long break. I always have crazy thoughts and ideas crossing my mind such as handing in y resignation and  staying at home for good and the fact that I don't need work after all and maybe I should just stay at home and ignore everything and everyone. That was me the night before school started.

Today is Sunday; September 18th

I woke up terribly late this morning and I had to get ready and get my lil one ready in 30 minutes before the rickshaw arrives. Thankfully, I am great at doing things very quick and so I was pretty much ready in 32 minutes which was perfectly timed with the rickshaw's arrival. My lil one was extremely happy to get to the centre where he goes every morning, and I got to school on time as usual. I managed to prepare everything, all the handouts, homework and exercise sheets for the day, and to my surprise as I walked down I found out that my Teacher Assistant was absent. I was happy because I didn't have many students and I didn't have much work to do as it was the first day after a long break. 

The day went by very smoothly to t he extend that my little ones were helping me quite a lot with clearing and organizing their folders and prepping their homework sheets. This made my bond with my lil one grow even greater once I was able to trust them with little chores around the classroom. I had one great teacher checking on me, bless her heart and she was able to see how much I was handling the little monkeys. 

My biggest challenge today was to stay awake throughout this exhausting day as I had private lesson as well as an important interview at the Radio where I am expecting my guests to arrive at 5:45pm. Thankfully, and a massive one too, the private lesson finished quickly and I was able to get to the Radio just in tie for my crazy important interview which was about an important event taking place on Thursday. The interview was crazy and I enjoyed every bit of it and I felt like I have a great group of acquaintances in the cultural scene of Khartoum which I am grateful for (I met Mr Manfred the head of the Goethe Institute, Mr Akinbode a famous Nigerian Photographer and Mr Ala a famous Sudanese Photographer)

My interesting Interviewee :)

I feel a bit queezy so you will have to excuse me for now, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 80

The day my little one got home was the best. I also had nothing to do and nowhere to be except by his side. It was the best feeling I have ever felt when I saw y little one to the extend that I wanted to get him from physio although I can get someone to pick him up.

Today is Saturday; September 17th

The day started very relaxed although I had a plan at the back of my head which I completely ignored to enjoy my day. Time was passing very slowly as it was the day when my lil one was expected to come home after his 3 day sleep over at his physiotherapist. When the clock hit 11:30 am I was getting ready to go pick him up, however, I remembered that the cost of going and coming will be crazy and so I decided to send him a taxi to pick him up and so I did that. It was a lot easier and much more convenient. 

I received a call from the Taxi driver to inform me that he is at the door, I didn't know what to do and what to wear and how to act as soon as I look at my lil man. My anxiety was building and I was smiling uncontrollably when I got to the door. The minute I opened the door there was no car in front me instead the car was parked on the side due to the jam on our road caused by a funeral next door. My lil one peaked out of the car window like a little cheeky monkey and that's when our eyes met and I said 'Aboodi' at the same time when he said 'Mama'. 

That was such a priceless moment and I did miss his cheeky face, he didn't say anything other than all the stories that happened at physio this day and he forgot all about the few days he spent at the physiotherapist's. I had to continuously jog his memory with endless questions which he found extremely tedious and finally stopped talking about the sleep over altogether.

It was a great day filled with crazy things, I am glad my lil one is here this evening and I am extremely excited about our time together. I have to prep for school tomorrow so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 16 September 2016

Happy Day 79

I know.. I know.. I accidentally published this post before writing anything in it. It was very late and I just wanted to save the post and instead of clicking the save button, I clicked the publish button. Today was the day of an important meeting, if I end up getting this job then working all over the city is going to stop and I will only work sensible hours.

Today is Friday; September 16th

I had no work nor any commitment this Friday, no private lessons, no appointments nothing. I only had an important meeting mid-day; at 1pm! I was extremely excited about this opportunity as I have been waiting for it for a very long time. I received the unexpected phone-call yesterday afternoon and the appointment was made for an informal chat.

When I got to the organisation, I met my friend who I expected to see there, we had a wonderful chat about work, life and everything. Catching up with lovely individuals is always nice, but I had to cut it short because I had to start my "Informal Chat". I went upstairs and to my surprise, I was welcomed by a young lady with the nicest smile ever. She was the one who called and asked for the chat, she was enthusiastic, optimistic and full of energy. she updated me with everything and asked me few questions. She also informed me that I would have to come again for a formal interview with the presence of her "boss". I was immediately tense by that and I started stressing, she gave me a pile of information which I had to go through very well before the interview and she asked me to be well prepared when it comes down to the interview. That didn't make me feel any better, as I grew more and more anxious as she spoke about the formal interview. I am not a person who stresses or experiences panic attacks during an interview, however, this one just made me stress for some reason. It might be because of how serious this organisation is and how serious and important the job is for my life.

I then attended a couple of classes and it was quite fun, I spoke to a couple of teachers and that was great. I also had the chance to continue talking to my friend. After the massive interview of the day, I decided to go to the mall to have a bite and walk around as my anxiety did not settle for some reason. I enjoyed a superb Chinese takeaway, lovely Ice-cream and what felt like a spiked Frapaccino..!

It was a great as I spent a long time out of the house since my lil one is still having that endless sleep over. I need  to sit and study for now so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 78

The most awkward day without my lil man..!! Although I did quite a lot and I was able to allow some great moments of realization, being alone is very difficult.

Today is Thursday; September 15th

The first night without my lil one has passed quite swiftly, although I couldn't sleep straight away and I was both out and up till very late. The morning was great but the weather was extremely HOT and SUNNY. My lesson went great and my student was so happy as we will finally have a break after 5 consecutive lessons. She read great and was able to finish all her exercises on time.

After the lesson, I was able to get to my favourite restaurant Papa Costa for a bite and to spend a bit of time with someone special then I went to the empty house where I had no son nor chores to fulfill.
In the evening, I decided to go out again to book my mum a hotel room as a present for her to relax and enjoy a bit of time away from home and the kids; to my surprise, I found out for the first time in my entire life and existence in Sudan, that women are not allowed to stay in a hotel in their own and so my entire plan was screwed thanks to our stupid laws.

I had to get back home completely vexed and extremely livid at my recent discovery but I did not know how to react to such news. I wasn't upset nor sad, I was instead thinking of other ways to fix the situation and make my mum happy about being here.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies for now till I find a better plan on how to have fun here (^_^) 

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Happy Day 77

I wasn't going to post anything this evening as I just returned home at 1am and I am extremely tired, drained and exhausted of my busy day. However, I just discovered that I am petrified of the dark and I am incapable of falling asleep in an empty room (this epiphany has just been dropped on me the day my lil man went to sleep over at his other mother's house).

Today is a lovely Wednesday; September 14th

I was really tired when I woke up and I completely felt like doing absolutely nothing this morning but mys sense of commitment towards my student forced me to get up, get ready and head to her place for an intriguing session. I was finally able to break the barrier between my student and myself, I always her to speak and express herself and she felt comfortable to tell jokes in her own little sense of humor. 

After returning home, I was preparing my lil man's backpack for his sleep over this evening. He was invited to spend the night over at his close therapist's house, I know some of you will feel very strongly about allowing your 7 year old to sleep over at someone's house, keep in mind that here in Sudan (for some awkward reason) everyone is related and you end up creating bonds rather than just people you meet. My lil man's physiotherapist is not just a therapist, he knows her since 2013 and he has been to her house 3 times already. He knows every person in her house and almost all of her family members very well. I believe that allowing my lil man to explore life without me is essential for his own sense of accomplishment and independence. 

He is always HAPPY whenever we go to a doctor's appointment!

I was dwelling on the fact that I didn't want him to go away from me because we have never parted in 3 years. I miss him already as we speak but I know he will have fun. I took my lil one to his friend's house in the afternoon then straight after the little visit we went to our annual doctor's appointment who is an experienced orthopedic pediatrician. I was pleased to hear that my lil man does not need any more surgery only physiotherapy to strengthen his weak left leg. 

The appointment came to an end very late and I had to leave the hospital, however, I knew I will not be leaving with my lil man (I WILL BE LEAVING ALONE). It had to be done though, I gave my lil man a massive hug and I crushed my soul and my weeping heart so as to not feel any pain while I walk away from him. 

Selfies at the Hospital

I spent the evening with my friend sipping coffee till about 1 after midnight before returning to an empty room which reminded me of how scared I am of the dark. As soon as I got home, I asked for photos of my lil man and I got quite a lot, yet it did not change the fact that my room is way too empty and I keep hearing sounds I never heard when my lil one was around. 

Are you scared of the dark? 

Have a Great Night Lovelies (^_^)

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Happy Day 76

Second day of Eid and it just keeps getting more and more complicated. I have never seen as much twists and turns as I have seen these couple of days. Continuing the Eid spirit everyone, so Eid Mubarak (^_^)

Today is Tuesday; September 13th

This morning I was surprised by a phone call from my lil one's physiotherapist. She was kind enough to wish me an Eid Mubarak before cutting to the chase and asking me quite bluntly if it would be O.K. with me if my lil one had a sleep over at her place tomorrow. I was quite surprised at the request but knowing her and knowing her entire family, I figured that something was up and they want my lil one to be part of it (yes this might sound as vague and as strange as the request, but my lil one has spent the night over at her place before when it was her nephews birthday. They are like his long lost not related family). I was very happy with that invitation but normally I don't join him in such invitation so I had to face some of my anxieties in my quiet space and between me, myself and I. My little one and I are practically inseparable and have always faced the world together, so having to sleep in an empty room without him being around to bug me all night is quite difficult for me. I consider my lil man as my strength and positive source. In my head the thoughts kept piling up until I had to clear my thoughts and believe that having sometime away from each other is not only good for me it is great for him.

I went to my private lesson with the massive weight of anxiety, however, the lesson went great and the student worked quite had during the 2 hours. After the lesson, I was able to spend more time with my lil one as I had nothing to do. He was glued to YouTube as he adore Ryan and keeps reacting the scenes of his videos to me with all the sound effects and different voices. Spending some time with my lil one is one of the things I have missed quite a lot, my continuous work and various commitments never allowed me to spend such a long time with him, but I believe things will change for the best and I will plan one of our greatest holidays this year because he and I deserve it.

As you all know by now, I started working on my Box Theatre thing which is coming together extremely nicely. I was able to complete the tree house and some of the furniture this evening, to say the least check out the photos and enjoy the details. I was able to complete a massive chunk of the house and solve many of my problems while doing this. It is one of the most satisfactory things I have ever done in my entire life.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 75

And so the Eid begins and I decide to spend it entirely at home with my family. Thank goodness I have work in the morning; this is how I keep my sanity to face my lovely days (@_@)

Today is Monday; September 12th

Eid day one was spectacular, I woke up early and I got my lil one ready at 8am with his new shirt. I also got ready although I just wore some of my old borrowed blouses. As soon as I walked out of the house, I saw our sheep which was alive and making so much noise. I went on my way to my lesson and passed-by the empty streets. Everyone was outside with their sheep getting ready to cut them. I love my drives around the city, it has almost turned into a therapeutic session which is vital for my own sanity. 

The lesson went well and my student started talking a lot more and so the lessons have been extended so we can work more and get things done a lot faster. I asked my lil student about her pet grasshopper which is no where to be seen and she told me that the grasshopper refused to eat and so she freed him yesterday evening so that it doesn't die. She is a fascinating little student with lots of stories and an immense imagination. One of her stories which sound quite legit and true, was that in her province in China they started adding "poison" (pesticides) on the leaves to kill grasshoppers which enraged the people because they were against this crime. She continued to explain that the city was becoming dirtier with all the dead grasshoppers and so they started to wash the leaves to feed the grasshoppers!(now the question that asks itself; did she imagine all this or was it true that they are amazing people?).

After the lesson, I got home and started on y little box theatre house thing, just to let you know "IT IS DIFFICULT AS HELL..!!". I kept at it until it started getting to my nerves and so I decided to stop before I turn into an ugly evil witch because of this thing which was meant to calm me down. At that point, I promised my lil one a little outing where we are going to eat at a restaurant. As promised, we went to a restaurant and he was so good that other kids and parents started wondering how he can be this cheerful. THANK GOODNESS.

I saw my lovely cousins, had a great burger and had a great chat with my student; this puts a great ending to my first day. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Monday 12 September 2016

Happy Day 74

It is the last day of work before I stop for Eid. This time I decided to spend my holidays at home regardless of the vibes I get from home. 

Today is Sunday; September 11th

The day started with waking up very disoriented and extremely delusional. I managed to get to my private lesson on time although I was fasting and very much asleep. The rickshaw ride to my student's house is to die for, the weather was splendid and seeing everyone rushing around on the last day before Eid was very refreshing. The lesson went well and my lil student caught yet another pet grasshopper and this time it is a bit big and in a smaller water bottle. She was really excited with her find as this one can drink water; she shared. It was very sad that her excitement was met with pure and utter fear and disgust, as I was incapable of hiding my complete shock when my lil one shook the bottle for the grasshopper to jump around. 

After my exciting lesson, I had a bit of a break at home then I head towards the radio for my last show before Eid. Although I am not ina managerial position, I found the idea of taking a week off was extremely long and unnecessary. We are media personals and we represent the people around us and I found having a holiday was not natural. I wanted to be part of the listeners lives and ins and outs, I wanted to be the first to talk with them after the 3rd day of Eid as you want to know what have they been upto. I guess I am going to stop complaining and I will appreciate the time off I got from the Radio.

I decided to start my box theatre mission which I will be updating you with on a daily process, wish me luck. I bought this piece about a month ago and yet had no tie to look at it nor explore it before diving right into it today. This afternoon, right before the Radio, I looked into the box, explored what is in it and I thought to myself I can make it and finish it before the holidays come to an end (my idealist views which are going to be crushed into dinky pieces probably). 

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)  

Sunday 11 September 2016

Happy Day 73

The day was filled with unexpected events from beginning to end. I was out and about and I was able to get lots done.

Today is Saturday; September 10th

The day started as early as usual as I had a private lesson in the morning. The weather was extremely hot and the sun was very bright, it was a very difficult morning to be out and I couldn't wait to head home. The best part of the day was that I was able to give my lil one's glasses to the optician's to get fixed after sitting on the side for over a month. And when I went to hand in the glasses, they asked me about my lil one's age which was important because they were handing gifts for youngsters. Once I collected my lil one's unexpected gift, I managed to pick up his medicine from the pharmacy as he ran out a few days ago.

The afternoon was quick and light, I enjoyed a meal with my lil one and my nephew. I completed and handed in my work which was such a relief. And at the end of the afternoon I decided to get some alone time and went to the mall to get my lil one some shirts for eid. It was fun to be able to have some adult time without any children around me, I honestly miss some grownup times because I am constantly surrounded by youngster whether at work or at my private lessons. Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming and you end up bursting into action when all you are doing is just trying to get a little bit more comfortable.

It rained this evening, my lil one and I enjoyed listening to the rain while talking about the most random things ever. My lil one tried his clothes and was chuffed by the size of all of the shirts I bought and he was specially happy about one shirt that I kept saying it looked like his grandfather's shirts.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 9 September 2016

Happy Day 72

I tried 'Moon Bread' as it was translated by my little student. It tastes amazing and I was so happy to have tried something so special on the festive times of China. (The countdown to the end of the challenge begins @_@)

Today is Friday; September 9th

I woke up half asleep and half disoriented. I had time to drink coffee and ease myself into the morning but I decided to take ages while choosing what I will be wearing this morning. Although I don't have much to choose from, it still took me absolutely ages to get ready then head on my way to the lesson. Getting to the lesson was great as I always enjoy the rickshaw ride anywhere. When I got to my student I found that she had prepared some sort of sweets on the table for me try. The cake is called moon bread and it tasted AMAZING (I got to know later that it is a traditional cake eaten on their Mid-Autumn Festivals, if you want to read more I found some info on Wikipedia

After the lesson I had to head home for more lessons. One of these lessons were with a young very respectful boy who apparently loves my teaching methods and he is always comfortable around me. This student is actually one of the first students I have decided to teach privately. His progress is very important for me and I take his case very personally. His mother approached me and informed me that he doesn't want to go to any other teacher and he feels comfortable only with me. Now at this point I should be over the moon, but I felt a massive weight being put over my shoulders. It is a massive responsibility to take in students and it is more massive when the student doesn't feel comfortable with anyone but you (as a teacher).

On top of all that, I was thinking non-stop about how to create a sense of group among my cheeky monkeys at school, I am glad that I started my holidays as it will give me more time to think about ways to encourage them to become better.

Now I need more sleep, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 71

The most hectic day is upon me yet again with lots to do and lots to figure out.I have been extremely overwhelmed with work to the extent that I almost had a nervous breakdown during school hours.

Today is Thursday; September 8th

I woke up as early as possible to get to school as early as possible to hand in some certificates and work to the admin lady. I was tired, drained and completely out of energy, I was just taking my last few breaths to get me through my long day. School started in a very great note, I was on time, some kids were great and I was able to chat to the principal yet again about a matter I found in my class which was extremely alarming. The part where I went swimming was the greatest as I was able to enjoy a couple of minutes free floating in the swimming pool after getting all the little ones out. I completely switched off for a minute and I was enjoying the few minutes I got away from the kids and their needs. The day continued as normal with its ups and downs and lots of screaming and shouting.

Although I got paid, I was incapable of picking up the energy as the day continued to come to an end. I went to my student who had lots of stories to tell and was filled with joy. Once the lesson finished, I was able to pick up and gather a bit of the disappearing energy to get to the radio and complete my show which was the most random show ever. I talked about working hard and play hard that concept which we all keep saying yet we never teach our children about it. Amidst my deep lack of energy, I was able to remember to give a shout out to one of my students who did well at the assembly. They listened and that put a massive smile to my face.

I need sleep, That's all I can think about so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Thursday 8 September 2016

Happy Day 70

I just came across an online article that talks about how Beyonce's daughter was called ugly on most of the social media. The poor young girl is far from ugly, she is a pretty little girl who doesn't follow her mum's beauty standards.

Today is Wednesday; September 9th

For some odd reason, I was extremely upset this evening.. I woke up with a massive cloud over my heart. I tried to keep smiling but everyone was able to see how upset I was. I wasn't able to put my finger on the main reason behind this massive dark cloud but I kept feeling it creeping into my thoughts. The great thing is that I didn't allow this to ruin my day as I continued smiling and tried to focus on the good parts of my day.

School was great as usual as my little cheeky monkeys continue to go bonkers and I continue to lose it with them. All the other teachers were complaining about them for some reason when it is me and only me who has to deal with them. I honestly see them as a white piece of paper that needs to be reshaped and filled with the right information. I am extremely practical and that is what I kept telling all the teachers at that school who keep doubting me.

I decided this afternoon to spend a bit of time at one of my secret hiding places in Khartoum, where I tend to retrieve when I feel like everything is falling apart. I spent a couple of hours and I was able to clear my mind from all the bull crap that was roaming my mind that day. Getting to the radio was one of the smoothest rides ever as traffic was perfect and I was able to get to work right on time.

It was an all-in-all great day, so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Happy Day 69

My meeting day is always a day filled with work which will not be done but it will be delayed to another day instead. We are going to have a talk with one of the owners of the school. I still feel like the underdog of this school.

Today is Tuesday; September 6th

School was great with its ups and downs (my little monkeys were all over the place as usual), but they always bring a smile to my face. I was able to complete a couple of great lessons with difficulty, but I will not deny myself the joy and sense of achievement. The meeting was intriguing as I was able to meet one of the owners of school who was interested in our development.

After the meeting I head towards home, had a great chat with Maria as she will be leaving tomorrow and I will be forced to confront swimming day alone without her help. After that I went to my old school, met some of my old friends and had a great chat with them. 

My afternoon was even greater as I was able to find shoes and watches.. WOOHOO!!

Radio was crazy as usual as I was talking about how to win an argument when you know you are right. Interesting and on top of all that, The weirdest app around (hilarious). I thought that sharing weird things with my listeners is more fun than sharing the normal stuff found online.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 68

My series of no sleep continues and my dependence on coffee continues too. I keep having less sleep and hence drinking coffee throughout my school day due to my extremely long work day.

Today is Monday; September 5th

School started as usual and my student are all over the place as usual. I was excited today because I didn't start the first lesson and I could enjoy my morning coffee with a bit of peace without having them around me. The day passed quickly and I was extremely happy to come to the end of the day;. It was about time to start panicking about the assembly that my little students are going to conduct on Thursday. Not Prepared anything as of yet.

The private lesson this afternoon was extremely interesting as my student shared with me her new pet grasshopper which was the most intriguing thing I have ever experienced in quite a while. I obviously could not hide my pure joy when I saw the grasshopper but my student could not stop shaking the plastic bottle, where the grasshopper lived, vigorously.

I had to continue the radio topic where I started talking about guys fighting and why they do that. This evening I talked ladies if they like guys who fight and why. Girls are extremely shy when it comes to opening up on live shows. But it went well as usual.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 67

And so the week begins with a massive bang. Today was the day I figured out where bonkers have come from. My lil angels were all over the place and I am trying to deal with it and I am trying to accept them the way they are. (I AM THANKFUL I BOUGHT COFFEE THIS WEEK..!! It was the only thing that kept me awake throughout this day).

Today is Sunday; September 4th

No matter what I get given, I always try to deal with my students, no matter what..! I treat my students the way I would want my lil one to be treated by teachers (It is Karma and it is the right thing to do). I honestly love each one of my cheeky monkeys, for some awkward reason I am excited to see them every single morning. I love their little characters and their little ordeals they put me in.

Today was the beginning of the week and they have gone completely bonkers and nothing could stop them for some reason. They were all on FIRE..!! After my all-over-the-place day at school, I continued to have a crazy day at my private lesson where my student wanted to get away with chatting to skip the part where we study. I was laughing at her silly attempts to escape studying but I was able to continue and cover quite a lot.

Radio was interesting as I talked about the fight I was part of over the weekend. I love my listeners reaction over my topics and I absolutely adore the fact that my listeners are able to understand me and have as much fun as I do.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies as I had no sleep last night and I would like to catch up with all the sleep I didn't get (^_^)

Happy Day 66

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday... This weekend was meant to be great because I was completely drained throughout the 3 previous weeks..

Today is Saturday; September 3rd

So today I woke up quite late because I was extremely tired and absolutely exhausted. I decided to sleep a little bit extra after a draining start of my week. I woke up in time to get to the bank to deposit my cheque,  however, I was surprised by a message which I received early in the morning from y lil man's shadow teacher informing me that she went to the centre not knowing that my lil one was not going to school. I was flustered but I just took the chance to meet her for a bit of a talk then I went on my way. 

My journey to the bank was the most useless, wasteful journeys I have ever come across this week. I went to the bank twice, before and after my private lesson, in both times I thought I will be able to complete my transaction. However, I was extremely wrong. I stayed till the end of the afternoon, I cancelled many of my private lessons and nothing has been accomplished at the end of the day. I returned home, begged my brother in law to take the cheque with him in the morning as I needed the money ASAP, and continued my day as usual. 

My highlight of today is that I stayed up all night trying to complete a piece of work which is meant to be handed in tomorrow. This coming will be horrible and I am far from ready to face it.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Saturday 3 September 2016

Happy Day 65

My quiet weekends have turned into a massive money making days with back to back private lessons. I don't get to sleep, play nor spend time with my lil one.

Today is Friday September 2nd

I always have to wake up early on my lazy weekends because I have a lesson in the early morning with my lovely student who is 8 years old and she is from China. My lessons with her is always fun and full of games such as hangman, bingo and stars for chores. After my lesson with her I have another lesson on my list which I decided to cancel because I thought I will be going out to meet someone but I ended up staying at home and conducting my third private lesson as they already paid for it in advance.

After my lessons, I stayed with my lil one for a bit till he fell asleep then I got up to go out. I was extremely bored yesterday for not doing anything special on my weekend and for working hard all the time and having almost NO FREE TIME. So I went to the mall to pay my internet bills, however, the mall was so busy that I decided to ignore the whole thing and walk towards the supermarket where I decided to buy some egg noodles.

At the till, I am normally very nice and would allow anyone to skip the queue to come in front of me, but this time was different as I was waiting for ages to get to the front of the till and the ladies behind me waited for ages too. As soon as I got to the till, 2 ladies appeared from nowhere and one of them put her item with mine, I smiled at her and apologized to her as I will not take her item because it is extremely unfair on everyone who is waiting on the queue. She just looked at me in surprise and took her item slowly at that point the lady behind me repeated the same thing and said sorry and she needs to wait for her turn.

It is interesting how uneventful days can turn us into very quiet unhappy people. I made some noodles in the evening which were nice.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 2 September 2016

Happy Day 64

The day I woke up late for school. I have nothing other than MY PHONE WAS SWITCHED OFF! Might I add, Today is the day I witnessed a live fight in front of my eyes @_@

Today is Thursday; September 1st

I have been suffering from insomnia the past couple of nights and last night was no difference. Therefore, I decided to take some pills to knock me off which what really happened. I woke up and the sun was up, I didn’t know what time it was and what day it was either. I was so petrified that I actually missed my school day and so I jumped out of my bed straight to my clock to find out what time it was. As soon as I found out it was 6:33am, I quickly started waking my lil one, got ready in no time, packed my stuff and my swimming stuff, packed my lil one’s things and at 7:05 I was out the door and on my way.

As always, I dropped my lil one first then head to the school where, for the first time, I found my TA at the entrance having a chat. I was so pleased to find everyone and I was glad that I wasn’t late. Today is SWIMMING DAY, last week we were a bit late and we came back late too, however, this week was a lot better. I got my class ready on time and we were at the door waiting for the bus. Swimming went smoother than usual and we were a lot more organized than before. As soon as we got to school, we went about our day as normal until the end.

I was so thankful it was a weekend and I was more than happy that I could sleep without any interruption tonight. I went to my private lesson after school and I was able to finish early and head to the radio early too.

Radio was great as I was talking about a good day and how you end your good days. And I decided to go meet someone special after Radio who ended up giving me 2 special silver rings which I am extremely happy and excited about (I just need to carve it and it will be great, it will be mine).

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^) 

Happy Day 63

The first day of everything is always full of anxiety, unease and worry of the unknown. It has been a very long while since I felt anxious about something and today is the day when I felt excited and anxious all over again.

Today is Wednesday; August 31st

The day started very well, however, I was extremely drained because of school work and handling my lil ones. I took my lil one to the centre (after a disastrous day off yesterday where he stayed at home but he caused such a havoc that my mum had to call me numerous times because he refused to go to his physio session. At that very moment, I decided never to leave him at home ever again) then I head towards my school and I arrived on time. Work was great and it went well as I didn't have many lessons, I had more time to prepare and organize my stuff for the following day and for the evening. 

After school, I had to contact my private lesson to cancel it as I had to prepare for the evening parents’ meeting. I stuck some of my students' work on the wall and decided to head home to get ready for my big evening. I got no sleep and no relaxation when I got home instead I worked on my radio and school prep. As soon as the clock hit 5, I started getting ready and I tried my best to look the part as it was my first time to meet many of the parents both from my classroom and other classes. 

Getting to the radio was one of the longest rides ever, I was anxious and for the first time in my life I was getting butterflies. I did my show and every minute that got me closer to my meeting, made me grow more and more anxious. I couldn't do anything nor eat anything until after the parents' meeting. The most intense part of my day was my ride to school. 

When I got to school, most of the teachers did not arrive and what is worse was that my TA was not there either. I found a couple of parents outside my class who helped me put up some of my students' art work. All in all the evening went well, as in just ok well, I finished my own private meeting with my own parents then I was part of the whole school meeting. The evening came to an end nicely; I had some cake with tea, I had a great walk with Maria and I changed my nails colour.

I can't believe I am done with the meeting, I hope I left a great impression on the parents and they liked me enough to trust me with their children. 

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)