Friday 16 September 2016

Happy Day 79

I know.. I know.. I accidentally published this post before writing anything in it. It was very late and I just wanted to save the post and instead of clicking the save button, I clicked the publish button. Today was the day of an important meeting, if I end up getting this job then working all over the city is going to stop and I will only work sensible hours.

Today is Friday; September 16th

I had no work nor any commitment this Friday, no private lessons, no appointments nothing. I only had an important meeting mid-day; at 1pm! I was extremely excited about this opportunity as I have been waiting for it for a very long time. I received the unexpected phone-call yesterday afternoon and the appointment was made for an informal chat.

When I got to the organisation, I met my friend who I expected to see there, we had a wonderful chat about work, life and everything. Catching up with lovely individuals is always nice, but I had to cut it short because I had to start my "Informal Chat". I went upstairs and to my surprise, I was welcomed by a young lady with the nicest smile ever. She was the one who called and asked for the chat, she was enthusiastic, optimistic and full of energy. she updated me with everything and asked me few questions. She also informed me that I would have to come again for a formal interview with the presence of her "boss". I was immediately tense by that and I started stressing, she gave me a pile of information which I had to go through very well before the interview and she asked me to be well prepared when it comes down to the interview. That didn't make me feel any better, as I grew more and more anxious as she spoke about the formal interview. I am not a person who stresses or experiences panic attacks during an interview, however, this one just made me stress for some reason. It might be because of how serious this organisation is and how serious and important the job is for my life.

I then attended a couple of classes and it was quite fun, I spoke to a couple of teachers and that was great. I also had the chance to continue talking to my friend. After the massive interview of the day, I decided to go to the mall to have a bite and walk around as my anxiety did not settle for some reason. I enjoyed a superb Chinese takeaway, lovely Ice-cream and what felt like a spiked Frapaccino..!

It was a great as I spent a long time out of the house since my lil one is still having that endless sleep over. I need  to sit and study for now so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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