Friday 9 September 2016

Happy Day 72

I tried 'Moon Bread' as it was translated by my little student. It tastes amazing and I was so happy to have tried something so special on the festive times of China. (The countdown to the end of the challenge begins @_@)

Today is Friday; September 9th

I woke up half asleep and half disoriented. I had time to drink coffee and ease myself into the morning but I decided to take ages while choosing what I will be wearing this morning. Although I don't have much to choose from, it still took me absolutely ages to get ready then head on my way to the lesson. Getting to the lesson was great as I always enjoy the rickshaw ride anywhere. When I got to my student I found that she had prepared some sort of sweets on the table for me try. The cake is called moon bread and it tasted AMAZING (I got to know later that it is a traditional cake eaten on their Mid-Autumn Festivals, if you want to read more I found some info on Wikipedia

After the lesson I had to head home for more lessons. One of these lessons were with a young very respectful boy who apparently loves my teaching methods and he is always comfortable around me. This student is actually one of the first students I have decided to teach privately. His progress is very important for me and I take his case very personally. His mother approached me and informed me that he doesn't want to go to any other teacher and he feels comfortable only with me. Now at this point I should be over the moon, but I felt a massive weight being put over my shoulders. It is a massive responsibility to take in students and it is more massive when the student doesn't feel comfortable with anyone but you (as a teacher).

On top of all that, I was thinking non-stop about how to create a sense of group among my cheeky monkeys at school, I am glad that I started my holidays as it will give me more time to think about ways to encourage them to become better.

Now I need more sleep, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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