Wednesday 21 September 2016

Happy Day 83

The day I effed up massively at work and I feel so crap that I don't want to face anyone. In other words, the day my castle came tumbling down off the top of this Happy Hill.

Today is Tuesday; September 20th

The day was extremely rough as I was still feeling under the weather and I wasn't able to take my lil one to the centre nor to the physiotherapy session (although I arranged a taxi to pick him up and drop him at physio and the guy cancelled last minute...argh..!!). School was extremely rough too because I found out that I sent the wrong homework with the students and it was NOT RIGHT..!! I felt very bad about the mistake and I felt like a failure for missing that out on my main plan.

I also planned to stay after school, however, I failed to do that too because I felt extremely horrible. I decided to go home to relax to find out that there wasn't any electricity at home and my lil one and his cousin were sitting around enjoying the heat wave. I was extremely fed up..!!! And what made it all even worse is that the orders which I was meant to collect after school have been postponed to after Radio.

After Radio, I had to wait to collect my orders, drop an order all the way in the city centre and get back home to an empty house where the little ones were extremely tired and had no supervision. My mum left to attend a little gathering and my sister was at the hospital. I felt very exhausted and extremely drained as soon as I got home, but I had to feed the little one and put the rest to sleep. I felt all alone this day as if no one is there to help me out, I had no support and no one to talk to. Life is difficult as it is and no one is trying to make it easier.

At least I got a bag of coffee from Ethiopia from my dearest friend Maria as well as earrings. more earrings to my collection and a gift from France from another great friend Irina.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies for now, I need to rest my eyes (^_^)

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