Monday 19 September 2016

Happy Day 80

The day my little one got home was the best. I also had nothing to do and nowhere to be except by his side. It was the best feeling I have ever felt when I saw y little one to the extend that I wanted to get him from physio although I can get someone to pick him up.

Today is Saturday; September 17th

The day started very relaxed although I had a plan at the back of my head which I completely ignored to enjoy my day. Time was passing very slowly as it was the day when my lil one was expected to come home after his 3 day sleep over at his physiotherapist. When the clock hit 11:30 am I was getting ready to go pick him up, however, I remembered that the cost of going and coming will be crazy and so I decided to send him a taxi to pick him up and so I did that. It was a lot easier and much more convenient. 

I received a call from the Taxi driver to inform me that he is at the door, I didn't know what to do and what to wear and how to act as soon as I look at my lil man. My anxiety was building and I was smiling uncontrollably when I got to the door. The minute I opened the door there was no car in front me instead the car was parked on the side due to the jam on our road caused by a funeral next door. My lil one peaked out of the car window like a little cheeky monkey and that's when our eyes met and I said 'Aboodi' at the same time when he said 'Mama'. 

That was such a priceless moment and I did miss his cheeky face, he didn't say anything other than all the stories that happened at physio this day and he forgot all about the few days he spent at the physiotherapist's. I had to continuously jog his memory with endless questions which he found extremely tedious and finally stopped talking about the sleep over altogether.

It was a great day filled with crazy things, I am glad my lil one is here this evening and I am extremely excited about our time together. I have to prep for school tomorrow so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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