Monday 19 September 2016

Happy Day 81

I always go through bouts of anxiety attacks on my first day of school, whether that first day is actually first day of school or just the first after a long break. I always have crazy thoughts and ideas crossing my mind such as handing in y resignation and  staying at home for good and the fact that I don't need work after all and maybe I should just stay at home and ignore everything and everyone. That was me the night before school started.

Today is Sunday; September 18th

I woke up terribly late this morning and I had to get ready and get my lil one ready in 30 minutes before the rickshaw arrives. Thankfully, I am great at doing things very quick and so I was pretty much ready in 32 minutes which was perfectly timed with the rickshaw's arrival. My lil one was extremely happy to get to the centre where he goes every morning, and I got to school on time as usual. I managed to prepare everything, all the handouts, homework and exercise sheets for the day, and to my surprise as I walked down I found out that my Teacher Assistant was absent. I was happy because I didn't have many students and I didn't have much work to do as it was the first day after a long break. 

The day went by very smoothly to t he extend that my little ones were helping me quite a lot with clearing and organizing their folders and prepping their homework sheets. This made my bond with my lil one grow even greater once I was able to trust them with little chores around the classroom. I had one great teacher checking on me, bless her heart and she was able to see how much I was handling the little monkeys. 

My biggest challenge today was to stay awake throughout this exhausting day as I had private lesson as well as an important interview at the Radio where I am expecting my guests to arrive at 5:45pm. Thankfully, and a massive one too, the private lesson finished quickly and I was able to get to the Radio just in tie for my crazy important interview which was about an important event taking place on Thursday. The interview was crazy and I enjoyed every bit of it and I felt like I have a great group of acquaintances in the cultural scene of Khartoum which I am grateful for (I met Mr Manfred the head of the Goethe Institute, Mr Akinbode a famous Nigerian Photographer and Mr Ala a famous Sudanese Photographer)

My interesting Interviewee :)

I feel a bit queezy so you will have to excuse me for now, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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