Wednesday 21 September 2016

Happy Day 84

The day I got hold of it again. I tried to get everything together and started appreciating my days and my busy life a lot more. I still have everything and it feels like I am trying to swim against the current.

Today is Wednesday; September 21st

Another rough night and another rough day at school. Last night I hardly slept due to the electricity cut outs that happened because of the thunderstorm. I had to struggle in the morning because not only did I not have any sleep but I also am getting sicker and sicker by the minute. I am carrying a very strange chest infection that is not clearing. I had to take my lil one to the centre because I know that no one will look after him at home and no one will take him to the physo session he needs. Although I know I am the sole adult responsible of my lil one, I still need some people to help me out and to carry my burden with me. I need a support and a backbone that I can turn to whenever I am down and struggling to survive and stay on top of all my hurdles.

School was fine today as y lil ones were behaving nicely and I was able to control them a lot better. I started them on a class tree of behaviour where they have to collect 25 leaves to get reworded by being part of a group activity such as a movie night and so on. I was also happy with their work in the ART lesson where they did a water cycle in a paper plate which turned out to be a massive success.

Now I am trying to stay up at the Radio as I have a couple of private lessons right after, however, I am finding it extremely difficult to do so. I am surviving on pure coffee this week, may it all come to an end very soon as I am draining all my stored energy from the holiday.

Have a Great Evening for now Lovelies (^_^) 

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