Saturday 3 September 2016

Happy Day 65

My quiet weekends have turned into a massive money making days with back to back private lessons. I don't get to sleep, play nor spend time with my lil one.

Today is Friday September 2nd

I always have to wake up early on my lazy weekends because I have a lesson in the early morning with my lovely student who is 8 years old and she is from China. My lessons with her is always fun and full of games such as hangman, bingo and stars for chores. After my lesson with her I have another lesson on my list which I decided to cancel because I thought I will be going out to meet someone but I ended up staying at home and conducting my third private lesson as they already paid for it in advance.

After my lessons, I stayed with my lil one for a bit till he fell asleep then I got up to go out. I was extremely bored yesterday for not doing anything special on my weekend and for working hard all the time and having almost NO FREE TIME. So I went to the mall to pay my internet bills, however, the mall was so busy that I decided to ignore the whole thing and walk towards the supermarket where I decided to buy some egg noodles.

At the till, I am normally very nice and would allow anyone to skip the queue to come in front of me, but this time was different as I was waiting for ages to get to the front of the till and the ladies behind me waited for ages too. As soon as I got to the till, 2 ladies appeared from nowhere and one of them put her item with mine, I smiled at her and apologized to her as I will not take her item because it is extremely unfair on everyone who is waiting on the queue. She just looked at me in surprise and took her item slowly at that point the lady behind me repeated the same thing and said sorry and she needs to wait for her turn.

It is interesting how uneventful days can turn us into very quiet unhappy people. I made some noodles in the evening which were nice.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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