Wednesday 7 September 2016

Happy Day 68

My series of no sleep continues and my dependence on coffee continues too. I keep having less sleep and hence drinking coffee throughout my school day due to my extremely long work day.

Today is Monday; September 5th

School started as usual and my student are all over the place as usual. I was excited today because I didn't start the first lesson and I could enjoy my morning coffee with a bit of peace without having them around me. The day passed quickly and I was extremely happy to come to the end of the day;. It was about time to start panicking about the assembly that my little students are going to conduct on Thursday. Not Prepared anything as of yet.

The private lesson this afternoon was extremely interesting as my student shared with me her new pet grasshopper which was the most intriguing thing I have ever experienced in quite a while. I obviously could not hide my pure joy when I saw the grasshopper but my student could not stop shaking the plastic bottle, where the grasshopper lived, vigorously.

I had to continue the radio topic where I started talking about guys fighting and why they do that. This evening I talked ladies if they like guys who fight and why. Girls are extremely shy when it comes to opening up on live shows. But it went well as usual.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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