Friday 9 September 2016

Happy Day 71

The most hectic day is upon me yet again with lots to do and lots to figure out.I have been extremely overwhelmed with work to the extent that I almost had a nervous breakdown during school hours.

Today is Thursday; September 8th

I woke up as early as possible to get to school as early as possible to hand in some certificates and work to the admin lady. I was tired, drained and completely out of energy, I was just taking my last few breaths to get me through my long day. School started in a very great note, I was on time, some kids were great and I was able to chat to the principal yet again about a matter I found in my class which was extremely alarming. The part where I went swimming was the greatest as I was able to enjoy a couple of minutes free floating in the swimming pool after getting all the little ones out. I completely switched off for a minute and I was enjoying the few minutes I got away from the kids and their needs. The day continued as normal with its ups and downs and lots of screaming and shouting.

Although I got paid, I was incapable of picking up the energy as the day continued to come to an end. I went to my student who had lots of stories to tell and was filled with joy. Once the lesson finished, I was able to pick up and gather a bit of the disappearing energy to get to the radio and complete my show which was the most random show ever. I talked about working hard and play hard that concept which we all keep saying yet we never teach our children about it. Amidst my deep lack of energy, I was able to remember to give a shout out to one of my students who did well at the assembly. They listened and that put a massive smile to my face.

I need sleep, That's all I can think about so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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