Saturday 24 September 2016

Happy Day 85

It was tough, very tough, as in very very very tough today, my little monkeys were all over the place and I tried my best to contain myself and keep a smile till the last minute.. and guess what..!! I SUCCEEDED (^_^)

Today is Thursday; September 22nd

I was extremely excited because it was the end of the week, however, I had a lot of work to finish and I was behind in everything. The day started on a great note where I got to school on time, my little ones were ready in no time for the swimming and we got there and enjoyed our time. The problem occurred when we got back to school, managed to finish our spelling and assessments on time but my little ones started becoming more and more energetic and out of control for no reason. They ended up calming down after watching a short animated movie for about 5 minutes long which was great.

Every time my little ones act up and start becoming all over the place, I feel like I am an incapable teacher. It hits me right in the core.!! Anywho, instead of letting this thought conquer my soul, I killed it and nipped it from the bud straight away and continued with my crazy day with my cheeky monkeys.

After school, my voice started disappearing slowly but surely and I ended up scraping the private lesson with a bit of voice, however, my voice started disappearing completely at the radio. My voice was cracking badly and sounded bad on air but I continued with the little voice I had.

I decided to take the weekend off with no lessons nor visits nor work to help my voice recover a bit in preparation for next week.

With no voice and hardly any energy I wish you all a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^) 

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