Thursday 8 September 2016

Happy Day 70

I just came across an online article that talks about how Beyonce's daughter was called ugly on most of the social media. The poor young girl is far from ugly, she is a pretty little girl who doesn't follow her mum's beauty standards.

Today is Wednesday; September 9th

For some odd reason, I was extremely upset this evening.. I woke up with a massive cloud over my heart. I tried to keep smiling but everyone was able to see how upset I was. I wasn't able to put my finger on the main reason behind this massive dark cloud but I kept feeling it creeping into my thoughts. The great thing is that I didn't allow this to ruin my day as I continued smiling and tried to focus on the good parts of my day.

School was great as usual as my little cheeky monkeys continue to go bonkers and I continue to lose it with them. All the other teachers were complaining about them for some reason when it is me and only me who has to deal with them. I honestly see them as a white piece of paper that needs to be reshaped and filled with the right information. I am extremely practical and that is what I kept telling all the teachers at that school who keep doubting me.

I decided this afternoon to spend a bit of time at one of my secret hiding places in Khartoum, where I tend to retrieve when I feel like everything is falling apart. I spent a couple of hours and I was able to clear my mind from all the bull crap that was roaming my mind that day. Getting to the radio was one of the smoothest rides ever as traffic was perfect and I was able to get to work right on time.

It was an all-in-all great day, so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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