Wednesday 7 September 2016

Happy Day 66

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday... This weekend was meant to be great because I was completely drained throughout the 3 previous weeks..

Today is Saturday; September 3rd

So today I woke up quite late because I was extremely tired and absolutely exhausted. I decided to sleep a little bit extra after a draining start of my week. I woke up in time to get to the bank to deposit my cheque,  however, I was surprised by a message which I received early in the morning from y lil man's shadow teacher informing me that she went to the centre not knowing that my lil one was not going to school. I was flustered but I just took the chance to meet her for a bit of a talk then I went on my way. 

My journey to the bank was the most useless, wasteful journeys I have ever come across this week. I went to the bank twice, before and after my private lesson, in both times I thought I will be able to complete my transaction. However, I was extremely wrong. I stayed till the end of the afternoon, I cancelled many of my private lessons and nothing has been accomplished at the end of the day. I returned home, begged my brother in law to take the cheque with him in the morning as I needed the money ASAP, and continued my day as usual. 

My highlight of today is that I stayed up all night trying to complete a piece of work which is meant to be handed in tomorrow. This coming will be horrible and I am far from ready to face it.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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