Saturday 24 September 2016

Happy Day 86

My day off with no work, social life and nothing, let's start reflecting instead...

Today is Friday; September 23rd

I planned ages ago to start homeschooling my lil one as I still haven't found a school that will take him with his disability and is ready to conduct oral examinations for him. However, my plan of homeschooling has failed miserably. The problem is that I am constantly working to provide him with the health care he needs and the personal care he needs. I am also working between my full time and part time jobs. It is sometimes overwhelming to the extend that I hardly see my lil one and I hardly spend any time with him (poor child..!!).

When I look back at his life, poor thing, I feel like I missed out on many goals he had achieved. It is extremely sad but it is very expensive and maintaining a good life style is very difficult specially when you are a single mother. My lil one is still attending an activity centre in the morning where he interacts with other children, however, school is still not on my list. I have been told about 2 schools one of which is ready to accept him the way he is and put him with his peers who are his age, I will be visiting this school very soon and he might start with them after Christmas. Another school which is known as the best Arabic Language school in Khartoum, is on my list but I don't have a lot of information on that school except that it is extremely far.

Finding a school is not only a difficult part in any parent's journey but it is also draining to a crazy extend. I am blessed that I decided to stop him from school this year as it was increasing the stress between us and our relationship has grown to become very intense and extremely uncomfortable due to the amount of school work he had to do, not putting in mind his Cerebral Palsy and all the physical limitation it had on his muscle control.

I understand him more now and I do allow my lil one a bit of space to do things the way he wants to do it without the intensity of perfecting his handwriting, his writing skills and reading skills. I only started loving him for the person he is not the image I wan him to be. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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