Monday 19 September 2016

Happy Day 82

A sleepless night filled with tossing and turning and aggravating fever.

Today is Monday; September 19th

I honestly just wanted to curl up in bed this evening, switch off my phone and not to face the world. If it wasn't for my students and the fact that I know no one will be able to complete my plan the way I want to, I would have been spending the night at home with my lil one who was also not feeling well as all. I dragged myself out of bed with my feverish body and drowsy head and upset stomach. I had to sip on Lemon juice so as to stop myself from emptying my stomach first thing in the morning. Due to my unknown sickness my lil one had to stay at home too (Thankfully his shadow teacher called me first thing in the morning and she informed me of her inability to attend school today because her son broke his hand @_@).

I walked ever so slowly to the rickshaw which I had to wait for for a bit then I got to school quite early. I was unable to walk up the stairs nor sit and print my work, my only saving grace was my first lesson which will be taught by the Arabic Teacher. As I dragged my feet down the stairs to prepare the lesson worksheets, I decided to get some coffee which was my last resort before informing the principal of my decision of going home a bit early due to my sickness. I got my coffee made for me by my great Ethiopian friend Tigis and I accidentally met the principal whom I told of my illness and my health condition. As soon as I sipped a bit of the coffee I felt energetic instantly and I felt like nothing was wrong. I decided to continue my day without cutting it short as if nothing had happened, thankfully my little monkeys behaved superb and that what helped me continue the day with great energy. I also had another sip of coffee just to make sure that its effect will continue even after the school hours as I had my private lesson and Radio.

The private lesson was great, it is flowing quite smoothly and I am able to complete the unit in time before she travels back to China. Radio went well but the best part of it was getting a present of Sarah (who works at the Radio and just got back from Tunisia and she also started the 362 days of happiness after witnessing my 100 days of happiness). I FINALLY GOT NEW EARRINGS and a HERBAL SOUP (^_^)

With my exhausting day and my draining evening I must say Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^) 

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