Tuesday 13 September 2016

Happy Day 75

And so the Eid begins and I decide to spend it entirely at home with my family. Thank goodness I have work in the morning; this is how I keep my sanity to face my lovely days (@_@)

Today is Monday; September 12th

Eid day one was spectacular, I woke up early and I got my lil one ready at 8am with his new shirt. I also got ready although I just wore some of my old borrowed blouses. As soon as I walked out of the house, I saw our sheep which was alive and making so much noise. I went on my way to my lesson and passed-by the empty streets. Everyone was outside with their sheep getting ready to cut them. I love my drives around the city, it has almost turned into a therapeutic session which is vital for my own sanity. 

The lesson went well and my student started talking a lot more and so the lessons have been extended so we can work more and get things done a lot faster. I asked my lil student about her pet grasshopper which is no where to be seen and she told me that the grasshopper refused to eat and so she freed him yesterday evening so that it doesn't die. She is a fascinating little student with lots of stories and an immense imagination. One of her stories which sound quite legit and true, was that in her province in China they started adding "poison" (pesticides) on the leaves to kill grasshoppers which enraged the people because they were against this crime. She continued to explain that the city was becoming dirtier with all the dead grasshoppers and so they started to wash the leaves to feed the grasshoppers!(now the question that asks itself; did she imagine all this or was it true that they are amazing people?).

After the lesson, I got home and started on y little box theatre house thing, just to let you know "IT IS DIFFICULT AS HELL..!!". I kept at it until it started getting to my nerves and so I decided to stop before I turn into an ugly evil witch because of this thing which was meant to calm me down. At that point, I promised my lil one a little outing where we are going to eat at a restaurant. As promised, we went to a restaurant and he was so good that other kids and parents started wondering how he can be this cheerful. THANK GOODNESS.

I saw my lovely cousins, had a great burger and had a great chat with my student; this puts a great ending to my first day. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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