Tuesday 13 September 2016

Happy Day 76

Second day of Eid and it just keeps getting more and more complicated. I have never seen as much twists and turns as I have seen these couple of days. Continuing the Eid spirit everyone, so Eid Mubarak (^_^)

Today is Tuesday; September 13th

This morning I was surprised by a phone call from my lil one's physiotherapist. She was kind enough to wish me an Eid Mubarak before cutting to the chase and asking me quite bluntly if it would be O.K. with me if my lil one had a sleep over at her place tomorrow. I was quite surprised at the request but knowing her and knowing her entire family, I figured that something was up and they want my lil one to be part of it (yes this might sound as vague and as strange as the request, but my lil one has spent the night over at her place before when it was her nephews birthday. They are like his long lost not related family). I was very happy with that invitation but normally I don't join him in such invitation so I had to face some of my anxieties in my quiet space and between me, myself and I. My little one and I are practically inseparable and have always faced the world together, so having to sleep in an empty room without him being around to bug me all night is quite difficult for me. I consider my lil man as my strength and positive source. In my head the thoughts kept piling up until I had to clear my thoughts and believe that having sometime away from each other is not only good for me it is great for him.

I went to my private lesson with the massive weight of anxiety, however, the lesson went great and the student worked quite had during the 2 hours. After the lesson, I was able to spend more time with my lil one as I had nothing to do. He was glued to YouTube as he adore Ryan and keeps reacting the scenes of his videos to me with all the sound effects and different voices. Spending some time with my lil one is one of the things I have missed quite a lot, my continuous work and various commitments never allowed me to spend such a long time with him, but I believe things will change for the best and I will plan one of our greatest holidays this year because he and I deserve it.

As you all know by now, I started working on my Box Theatre thing which is coming together extremely nicely. I was able to complete the tree house and some of the furniture this evening, to say the least check out the photos and enjoy the details. I was able to complete a massive chunk of the house and solve many of my problems while doing this. It is one of the most satisfactory things I have ever done in my entire life.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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