Tuesday 30 August 2016

Happy Day 62

I will just not try and speak about today, I almost cried at some point this afternoon but then I gathered my strength and energy to complete my day and it surprisingly finished well. I honestly love every single one of my 16 7 year olds.

Today is Tuesday; August 30th

Today my lil man did not feel like waking up in the morning and so I did the very first thing that came to my mind which is leave him at home (which was the very wrong decision I every did). I went to school extra early and I was able to do a couple of things, however, not all. I managed to find my yellow cup and I was able to drink tea first thing in the morning which was good but it could've been great with a cup of coffee. The day was longer than usual and it took me a while to get through my day in comparison to the rest of the week. To my surprise, I came to the realization that the parents meeting will be on WEDNESDAY which is TOMORROW at 7:30pm. 

The day took a surprisingly interesting turn at the end with a great laugh with my lil students at our Drama lesson. we played a couple of games which was mirroring and silent work. It was great fun and they worked together like magic. On top of all that, The class room was quiet for a few minutes. After my interesting more of a roller coaster day, I had to attend the meeting which was at 2:30 and it lasted until 3:30pm which left me with 15 minutes to sort out my classroom before the dreaded meeting tomorrow. 

On my home, I passed by my lil one at physio then got home for my 1 hour break before getting to the radio to talk about about HEALS VS FLATS. I also spoke to my manager about leaving early tomorrow because I have a meeting at school and he was lovely enough to be able to fill in for me when I have to leave.


Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 61

Days pass very quickly and the joy of having a holiday around the corner is overwhelming. Trying to plan something special for both my lil one and I but I am spoiled with choice, I haven't decided yet but mostly I will be heading to the East of Sudan; to Port Sudan to be specific.

Today is Monday; August 29th

Waking up in the morning was great and my lil man was energized about going to the centre and he was up in no time. The best part is that I have agreed with a rickshaw driver to go to school and back and I will be paying him weekly (which works out better for me as I get paid weekly too). School was great and I was able to prepare a bit of stuff on time for the lesson. What I honestly love about this school is that because I do most of the lessons, time passes very quickly and home-time comes in no-time.

My students are growing and I am honestly working hard with every single one of them but it feels like I should be working harder and I should be giving them more of my attention. I have been working extremely hard to pick up and catch up with all the work I have behind but I have no clue if I am doing a great job.

After work I quickly got into my rickshaw ride to my private lesson that went very well and very smooth. However, my lil students started becoming mischievous and she started talking about everything else except for the lesson. It took us a bit long to get through the unit, but I have a couple of units to complete the book so we can start and finish the second part of the book before she leaves.

Getting to the Radio was hectic as I had to pass by my lil one before heading to the station. Today I spoke about travelling around Sudan in comparison to travelling around the world and how happy it would make you.

When it was time for me to head home, it felt sweeter than ever as I had no evening private lessons. That meant I could do whatever once I get home, knowing my luck, I was EXHAUSTED by the time I reached so I went straight to bed with no work done.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Sunday 28 August 2016

Happy Day 60

Other than my hormonal changes, I have nothing to complain about as the challenge has unfolded great hidden aspects of my great personality. I can't wait to learn more about myself and my surroundings in the next 40 days which will be great.

Today is Sunday; August 28th


Before I start mumbling about how great it felt to get such a check at the end of the month, I will start you off with my morning which was great as I slept early and I woke up having slept more than enough. Although I was late to get out of bed, I actually got to school on time and around the same time as the Deputy Head (aka Principal but she hates being called that). The morning was a complete struggle as the electricity kept cutting during the lessons which was extremely annoying to the point that my lil students started complaining of death if they did not go somewhere else. Therefore, I quickly moved them somewhere cooler and with a bit of air conditioning. The day continued to become busier and busier until I finally had a break and during that break I came to the realization that it was pay day and you just walk to the accountant's office to collect your cheque! (I WAS CRAzY HAPPY AT THAT MOMENT)

At the end of the day, after I got id of all of my kids and I made sure that they all went home, I went to the accountant and I collected my FIRST CHEQUE from that school (after a month's worth of blood, sweat and tears).

I didn't have time to enjoy my cheque as it was time to hit the road to get to my private student as I will get paid there too after my long lesson. The lesson was great but my student wanted to play a lot more than usual and so we were only able to do a bit of work in comparison to the other days.

After my lesson, I suddenly remembered my lil one who went to physio at around 2pm and I wanted to know if someone had picked him up. To my surprise, he was still at physio and it was lovely getting him from physio because he was so happy to see me and he was excited to get on the rickshaw again.

I ended my day with the most random topic on my show and the most random decision of the evening that I will do my lesson although I have to concentrate on setting my lil one's Arabic curriculum since I will start him on home schooling fully tomorrow.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Saturday 27 August 2016

Happy Day 59

I just realized today that when you can't find something that suits you just go and tailor make it yourself. And no matter how hard you try to believe that others will be as concerned, honest and trustworthy as you want them to be, you are the only person who can complete something as satisfactory as you want it to be.

Today is Saturday; August 27th

Waking up in the morning was the most difficult part of today, as I had to be out of the house by 9:45am then I had to be back by 1pm. I had so many pied lessons to the extend that I felt a bit overwhelmed during my day. I came to the conclusion that I will cancel all my lessons for next week to concentrate a little bit on my lil man and my primary work which is the radio plus the school. Everything was great today although we suffered from a massive power cut in the middle of the hot afternoon but we got over it and the electricity came back just before sunset.

My decision this afternoon was that I will be homeschooling my lil man for the next couple of months till I find him a great school with a great group of teachers. I decided that I will set up the curriculum for him in Arabic and English will be his second language. I don't know how that will work since I work 24/7 but I know I am capable of putting something together that will suit his needs and will be great for him. Wish me LUCK everyone!

I will stop my post here since I am in the middle of putting a curriculum together for my 1st grader and I will update you on how the teaching is going. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 58

My lazy Friday wasn't as lazy as I wanted it to be. I was working and couldn't complete my school work plus I was panicking about my lil one's future.

Today is Friday; August 26

The morning was great and quiet, as I had to be out of the house at 9:45am. The streets were empty and I loved getting to my students house because she lives in a lovely green complex. I enjoyed some crackers as I went up to the flat. The lesson was great as usual and I was pleased to meet the young girls father who was not happy about his 8 year old daughter being cheerful, bubbly and talkative in other wards a normal 8 year old. He wanted her more disciplined and more serious, which I already thought she was! As I was walking out of the door after the lesson finished, I was surprised with a massive brown bag of ice cream as a lovely thank you gesture from the family.

I went back home with the cheesiest smile on my face as I brought the ice cream to my nephew, my lil man and my sister. I sat with them for a bit before I had to continue my day with my second and third private lessons.

The day is great as always a bit quick and I had no time to go out and do some shopping but I LOVED THE ICE CREAM I got.

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 57

As the weeks pass, I grow more and more fatigued from the amount of work I keep doing and being part of. Yet I refuse to drop any of it..!!

Today is Thursday; August 25th

I was extremely drained this morning for some odd reason, I couldn't believe it was Thursday. However, just the fact that today is swimming day was terrifying me. I talked to many teachers and they all keep wishing me luck and patting me on the back as if to say that IT WILL BE EFFIN DIFFICULT POOR THING..!! My only saving grace is Maria my friend who always makes me feel like there is nothing to worry and it is all under control.

The day started very quickly and in no time I found myself prepping the students to get on the bus and in absolutely no time I found myself on the bus with Miss Maria and the kids. We went to the Greek Club for our swimming session, the place was quite spacious and pretty. The problem with the whole thing is that it was all an in and out kind of a session, the kids get about 5 minutes each to go into the pool and practice their thing. After swimming we were swept back to the school juts in time for the last 5 minutes of the breakfast break and so we were given an extra 20 minutes to eat and relax. Then the day continued as usual, hectic, and it all finished in a glance.

After school I had to attend my private lesson which was great because my student is excellent and she is very entertaining as she always thinks of games we can play. So far we played Bingo, stars and chores and hangman.

The radio was as hectic as school, I was surprised with an interview as soon as I walked into the door. I wasn't happy and I clarified that point to my manager but I went through with it anyway. The interview tuned out to be the most interesting, mos smooth interview I have ever done in quite some time. My guest was fun to talk to and very chatty which was also fun.

My day really didn't end with a bang as it should since it was a Thursday but the best part of today is that Maria packed me lunch and she also provided me with an Islamic swimming suit and a swimming bag. Thank you MISS MARIA :)

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Happy Day 56

Getting closer to the end makes me feel like I should extend my challenge a bit just to stay. Separation anxiety or WHAT...!! I have difficulty letting go and this challenge is a massive part of the better more emotionally enhanced me so it will be a bit emotional coming to the end of it and seeing my challenge finishing. But I guess you always complete a challenge to let another one in and that is how you grow as a human being.

Today is Wednesday; August 24th

For some odd reason I have gone through today with the massive feeling that it is a Thursday and I will finally get to sleep in. The morning was yet another challenge to get through, however, I was able to get to school extremely early and my lil one got to the centre early too. The only reason why I dragged myself out of bed this morning is that I had a P.E. lesson the very first thing in the morning so theoretically my lil one's should be drained by the time they get to the lesson. In contrary to what I thought, my lil monsters were too energetic right after P.E. and they were only getting stronger as the day passed.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my lesson because I had endless amount of work at school this afternoon and I ended up staying at school till about 5pm. Getting to the Radio was a bit of an issue as I was getting drained out of all the energy I had since the morning. I am also contemplating cancelling my evening lesson because it feels like a Thursday.

The radio show was a complete surprise because for once in my career as a Radio presenter I had no clue what should I talk about. Although, I was trying my very best and I was squeezing every part of my brain to get a topic, I couldn't come up with anything. I decided to talk about surprises and how you feel about them.

The best part of the day is that Maria, my very good friend packed me lunch this morning which was perfect because I had it with my morning tea. THANK YOU MARIA (^_^)

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 55

The day I didn't have a lot to do and I completed my first meeting at my new work place.

Today is Tuesday; August 23rd

It was excruciating to get out of bed this morning for some odd reason. I felt like I am getting ill and I should just switch off my phone and stay in with my lil one and do absolutely nothing. I woke up regardless of my feeling and prepared everything to face my lovely Tuesday.

On my way to school, the rickshaw driver I arranged to pick me up on a daily basis informed me that he is travelling and he won't be able to come and pick me up this afternoon. Thankfully I don't have my private lesson and I have a meeting after school about the first couple of weeks of school. School was hectic and my lil monkeys were causing havoc throughout the lessons and they didn't calm down till it is home time. I had a smile on my face till the end and even through my meeting, it was one of these great experiences after moving up the ladder in your career (I feel very proud of my job and that it is a better school with a greater reputation among the families).

In the afternoon, I was able to get home, do a bit of work, eat and get ready for the Radio.  The show was fun and very interesting, I had a lot of fun managing the live show on my own. The best part of today is that I was able to stay up till the end of the show and I was completely alert till I got home and completed my evening lesson.

My quiet Tuesday came to end very swiftly and I was happy to get to my bed in one piece and fall asleep although the electricity cut off, the weather was great and my lil one was able to fall asleep with open windows.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Happy Day 54

The day I found out that I can be working non stop till 10pm was today and I was very exhausted to the extend that I could not have any dinner. It has been quite a while since I crashed at the end of the day and it has been even longer sine I couldn't sleep because of how tired I was feeling.

Today is Monday; August 22nd

I woke up early in the morning as usual and I had the chance to speak to my nephew about popping the multivitamins for my lil one. The sad thing is that he admitted to it and I am sure he wasn't aware of the dangers of his actions. I was on my way by 7:10 which is a bit late for me since I have been at school by 7:15 for the past week and a couple of days. I dropped my lil one as usual and I continued my way to school.

School day was great although it was hectic but it went by non the less. I completed my lessons and I was able to deliver my lessons on time. I was also able to conduct an assessment which I really wanted to do ages ago but I couldn't because I was overwhelmed with the work and the amount of being in class that I have to do (@_@). I am slowly getting my head around the system and I feel a bit more productive with my kids.

After school, I did my daily run to my private lesson at 3pm but this time I was able to stop by at a food place and enjoy a bite before getting to my lesson. The lesson was enjoyable as usual and the student was extremely entertaining and quite smart for her age. She was capable of completing a long division operation as well as a long multiplication operation. She draw a couple of pictures for me which I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF (^_^).

After my lesson, I quickly went to my lil one, picked him up then went home for just a bit then headed back out to the Radio where I spoke about crying in front of others.

A heavy day, that ended very nicely, Thankfully. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^).

Monday 22 August 2016

Happy Day 53

The day I started working in 3 different places all at the same time. So my thing is that I always take in extra work when I don't need to in case I run short in money and I don't have enough money to pay for my lil one's transportation or teaching.

Today is Sunday; August 21st

I started my day as usual at 5:30 in the morning, I was extremely exhausted this morning because I had to be up throughout the night to make sure that my lil one survives his first night of overdosing with multivitamins. Since it was a rough morning, I was dreading my week. However, my students were great and they were able to pick me up from my deepest sorrows. The day went by very smoothly and my students were lovely although they were all over the place (and they are quite a chatty bunch). 

After school, I started a new project with a new student who is from China. I love teaching students from different countries as it is a massive challenge for me as a teacher. The only problem is that I start teaching her at 3pm straight after school which finishes at 2:30pm. The other problem is that I usually don't feel hungry until 2pm which means I starve at about the same time I should start heading towards my poor student. 

My student is lovely and she is quite smart for an 8 year old young girl. All I have to do is encourage her to speak and try to build her English in different areas such as creative writing. I enjoy teaching this student and I loved her family. 

The third problem that is facing me after taking this job is it finishes at 5pm, which means I have to rush to the Radio to start prepping for my show. However, since I decided that I will never leave my lil one under anyone's supervision, I will have to pick him up from the physiotherapist's place at around the same time. In other words, My schedule is extremely tight when I start with my new private student and I teach her about 4 days a week @_@

Although it was tough, I got it done and The Radio was a lot of fun because I was happy for some reason and I found out that Athletes get paid for getting the gold medals...!! On my way home, I got drained of all my energy reserves and so I cancelled my evening lesson and moved it to Tuesday and Thursday.

The day was ok but in comparison to yesterday's it was a lot better. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 52

Today is the day when my lil one was poisoned while I was working. It was the day when I thought enough is enough and I had the shortest sleep ever.

Today is Saturday; August 20th

I was meant to go to school this morning and take my lil one to the centre, but I was extremely lazy and I wanted my lil one to take another day off before we start again. The morning was a bit overwhelming because I was talking to my friend on Facebook and we were discussing our lives and how she is starting to cope with things. It was also my first time to open up about how difficult it has been with my lil one's CP and how schools are not taking him in because of his disability. After my emotional morning, it was time for me to start my first lesson. It went very slow and my student was not ready nor prepared for the lesson. She was either asleep or not interesting in the lesson at all. Although it was extremely slow, it went by and I got my money.

Straight after the lesson, I had a bit of time to eat and prepare for my second lesson. During that break, my lil nephew told me that my lil one threw up in the hall although he hasn't eaten. Then I asked their nanny who could care less if he did or didn't and she did not bother to tell me about that incident. I completely brushed the whole thing under the carpet then I went to my second lesson which was surprisingly very great.

Since it was a Saturday, I had no radio and I was able to relax straight after the second lesson. (BUT OH NO..!! NO REST FOR THE WICKED) I started chatting to my lil one since I had nothing to do and to my absolute shock, he blurted out the 3 incident that happened this afternoon which was popping 6 multivitamin tablets after my nephew told him to do so and popped them out for him..!!!

At this moment, I could not help but break down completely. I walked out of the room, and started weeping my lungs out after this horrible day. And so I decided that I will not leave my lil one on anyone's supervision except mine from now on which means I will be working and ALERT 24/7.

I do allow myself some horrible days in my challenge. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 19 August 2016

Happy Day 51

Since I am starting my second half of the challenge I will be reflecting a lot more on my life and my week. I have been through so much this week all the ups and downs and all the other challenges in my life. I decided to do a reflective post every Friday to give me a bit of a peace of mind to be able to start my week in a better mood.

Today is Friday; August 19th

I woke up very early today since I am used to waking up at 5:30am on a daily basis. The day started very good, I did most of my work and was able to organize a lot of my work which should be handed in on September 4th. I was also trying to get my head around all the private lessons I took on and decide which ones I should drop after all.

The biggest challenge I faced today is to decide whether I should continue homeschooling my lil one or should I take him to a unilingual school (although he is capable of speaking both English and Arabic fluently). When I had a conversation with the Deputy Head at school, she clarified that knowing whether to take him to school or home-school him all depends on his capabilities of continuing university and being able to graduate from university. I strongly am aware that my lil one can do it and can make it through both school and uni but how is the biggest question.

I was advised to try an interesting series called Fuzzbuzz to help my little one read English. I have been searching left, right and centre for this series online but I haven't come across the full series.

Knowing my lil ones strengths and weaknesses is not enough, being here in Sudan with a child with disability is extremely difficult. A lot of places are not trained to deal with different students who have different needs and different learning abilities. My struggle is to find the school that will take him the way he is and help him develop as a great human being who will be able to complete university and continue with his education if he desires to do so.

Although I was extremely drained and tired, I went out with my sister, her husband and the lil ones. We ended up driving along the Nile and getting a bite at the mall's food court.

Have a great morning Lovelies (^_^)

Thursday 18 August 2016

Happy Day 50

I really don't know where to start from. Should I speak about my first week at my new school or should I speak about my emotional roller-coaster this week. Should I speak about my ups and downs with my new very young students or my anxiety when dealing with the other teachers.

Today is Thursday; August 18th

Finally a Thursday has arrived and I feel like I can breathe again and try to organize myself a lot better so I can be able to conduct and deliver a great lesson the way I am used to. I woke up early in the morning as usual and I decided to give my lil one a bit of a break from all the waking up and the centre and the physio routine. I got ready and made a lot of noise all while he was fast asleep poor lil thing. I got on the rickshaw which I agreed with to drop me and pick me up from school on a daily basis. At least one struggle is off my shoulders and it is sorted.

I got to school extremely early and was able to sign in early and get to my class in time to prepare for my full day with them. I literally had all my lessons with them today (I was extremely overwhelmed by the idea but when it came down to it, it is quite ok).

I normally start my lesson with a 5 minute free chat so that they get all their chat out of the way and I find that quite relaxing for me and them. Then I start off my lesson on the carpet where we start choosing the classroom helper, then talk about the rules and remind them of their good and bad behaviours. Although I was dreading today because of how long it is, I was part of the assembly which was an extremely lovely experience where I felt like I belongs to a larger community. After our assembly I was able to complete all my lessons for the day and I was managing everything well (although a bit frustrating sometimes with all my Year 2 children).

My first week and I had a birthday party  where everyone went BONKERS and I was not able to calm them down quick enough. At that moment, I felt too overwhelmed and I can't be the great teacher I thought I could.

After school, I managed to go back home and relax for a bit and update my blogs then it was time to go to the Radio where I spoke about a quiet weekend vs a busy fun one. The show was great because one of my great teacher friends Maria was listening to me and that made me work harder and sound more enthusiastic.

The best part of the day is enjoying a pizza with my sister, her husband and the kids at home while watching the Olympics. It was an overwhelming week but if I planned it a lot better, I will be able to deliver better lessons and I will include my assistant a lot more in my lessons from now on.

Have a great Morning Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 49

I haven't felt my journey although I am already on Day 49. Today was the day where I had to breakdown in front of everyone.

Today is Wednesday; August 17th

I went to school as usual early in the morning, Thankfully my morning went smoother than the day before. I actually managed to arrange a pick up with a  rickshaw driver who was great enough to pick me up and drop me off on a daily basis and for a great price too. I was at school pretty early and I was able to d a bit of work. As usual the lessons went well and I was able to be more in control than the days before. I also found a couple of minutes to talk to the deputy head about my lil one's condition with CP and what are the best options for him. While I was having the chat I was extremely good and I was able to control my emotions quite well until out of nowhere I started tearing and The Deputy Head almost teared with me. I didn't just tear, I started crying out of nowhere and I had to prepare for a lesson right after that talk. The teacher was extremely helpful and I was able to find out a lot of information from her that is quite beneficial for my lil one.

The day went quite well but I had to prepare for my private lessons which was extremely tiring again. As you figured out by now, I am planning to cancel some of my private lessons but I have no clue which ones should go out of the window. I did the afternoon lesson and it was slow but it came to an end. The annoying part of the lesson, is that the child's mother was not answering her phone nor his brother who was meant to pick him up. I ended up taking him home on my way to the Radio which was annoying. 

The radio was great because I was speaking about stationery which is something I ADORE and I was able to be honest. The funny thing is that while I was doing my radio, I needed someone to help me figure out what I should do to my lil one. Then out of nowhere again I started crying in front of the first person who I talked to. I was able to let out a lot of steam. And I did figure out that I have been strong for a very long time and sometimes I just need to let it all out then I can continue my life again. 

My day didn't finish here, as I had another lesson in the evening. As soon as I got home, my student arrived. I started putting my  lil one with me in the class so he doesn't feel left out and abandoned. As soon as I was done with the lesson, I thought y student's parents will be at the door BUT THEY WERE NOT. I had to wait with my hungry lil one until the father came 30 minutes late. 

I ended my day with a bowl of cereal some salad and a cup of lemon juice and went to sleep. Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 48

I had a lesson today and I am super SHATTERED..!! I had 2 private lessons after school then again after Radio. And I have decided to drop one (or a few of my lessons for better things)..

Today is Tuesday August 16th

For some awkward reason I was not able to get out of bed this morning, I literally dragged my tired body out of bed and into the bathroom to have a quick shower then prepare my lil one's stuff including his water and lunch box. My lil one surprisingly didn't feel like going anywhere either but he got up after I continuously tickled him. we were out of the house a bit late today but at least my mum was able to come with me to check my lil one's centre and my school. It was lovely having my mum at school and it felt like I was a little child. I was extremely proud and I couldn't hide my excitement.

After my great day at school which was not that bad, I had to run back home for my first private lesson which went quite slow (As the electricity at home was cut since the morning). 5 minutes into my lesson, the electricity decided to come back which was perfect because I was falling asleep at the lesson.

As soon as the student and her mother left my house I had to pack my stuff and head to the radio where I decided to talk about waking up in the morning and why your body will decide to wake you up 5 or 10 minutes before the alarm after getting into a specific routine.

The day was great but I feel the pressure of the first week of school building up and I hope I don't burst at some point. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Happy Day 47

It got better today at my new school and my new job. I had a bit of time for myself and I was able to get my head around the work and the environment.

Today is Monday; August 15th

The day at school went very well with lots of improvements with the students behaviour and my response to their actions. I find it very difficult to listen to 13 students all speaking at the exact same time as if they are all synchronized to start at the same moment. Everything was smooth and I was able to complete all the work needed. The best part of school is that someone at school was nice enough towards me that she prepared breakfast for me with a  cup of tea at the end of the day. I seriously needed that boost of energy which kept me going till the end of the day. 

I was also able to get back home in time for my 1st private lesson and that also went surprisingly well although I had a complete electric cut out at home. Then I had my cup of coffee with a bite to eat.

Going to the Radio was great too, I still had some energy to get me there and allow me to work on my script. Not only that I was also able to contact some individuals for future interviews. The show was great and it went well and I was able to choose my singles which I wasn't able to do the evening before. 

The evening was a bit of a struggle where I had a lesson and my lil one refused to sleep and so he was attending the private lesson quietly with his spiderman. I had to end my day with a bite with my little one and we quickly went to sleep (Although I wasn't meant to fall asleep as I had a lot of work to do but there you go, sometimes sleeping is better ).

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Monday 15 August 2016

Happy Day 46

I had a complete nervous breakdown at the end of today and it was just not happening. After my breakdown I had the longest sleep ever that made me feel complete and sane again. It is absolutely OK to breakdown during life but the pickup and recovery has to be quick and strong.

Today is Sunday, August 14th

It is the first day of school for me which is quite exciting, I hardly slept and I woke up as early as ever. At around 7 in the morning I was out of the house and in a rickshaw towards the school. I was a bit worried about my lil one going to the centre this early but gratefully everyone was there and he was happy he was early for the first time since he started with them. School was great and starting this early was great too although I had a massive difficulty getting over the fact that the whole house was fast asleep when I was out of the door.

The best part is that my students were happy to see me and I was overwhelmed with all the hugs that I received when my lil students arrived. After a while from greeting all the arriving students, the rain started pouring heavily to the extent that the roof started leaking. I was hoping that we'll be getting a day off but I was not lucky enough to get my wish and the day continued as usual. The students were overwhelming but they do follow rules and they all know their boundaries which I was happy about. Due to my previous experience, I was happy with my students and I really enjoyed day one.

I made sure I kept a smile throughout my day even when I was having a very tough time with their behaviour. Keeping a smile was the best thing I decided to do to change my mood in m entire life. I was able to complete a lot of the work and was able to follow my plan as much as possible although it was a bit all over the place.

I was completely shattered at the radio and I couldn't wait to go home to fall asleep. That is exactly what I did and I am so grateful for my interesting day 1 at school with all its ups and downs.

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Sunday 14 August 2016

Happy Day 45

When the world decided to go all over the place and I tried to hold everything up in the air while keeping my balance on a thing thread on top of a mountain of flames.

Today is Saturday; August 13th

The plan was for my lil one and I to wake up at 7am to get t both the centre and my school on time so I can then complete all my three lessons on time (By The Way, today is a weekend in this country, yet I never consider it as one). I felt bad when I was waking my lil one up since he stayed up all night waiting for me, so I decided that today I will just go about my day without having to worry about his whereabouts. I started off at school at around 8am, where I had to prepare my classroom and my door's decoration. I did all the printing, cutting, laminating, sticking, fixing, ...etc. I was exhausted because I was doing it all by myself with no one to help.

The saddest part is that I failed to finish my work in time for my first private lesson and so I had to cancel this one. However, due to my financial situation this month it was nearly impossible for me to cancel my 2nd and 3rd lesson. As soon as I got home I had a quick bite and I got ready for my private lesson, The lesson went well but I was still exhausted although I had a massive cup of coffee.

The second lesson also went well although I had no energy at all, however, I was meant to go to the pharmacy to get my lil one's medications as I was running out. I had to pull myself together and gather all the lil bits of energy I had left to do my last errands of the day to prepare for my big start at my new school.

I couldn't sleep tonight because of my anxiety, on the bright side I was able to complete my errands and checked off all of my to do list.

Now off to sleep to start fresh. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 44

Long Chilled out Day.. I cancelled everything for today and decided that I will never commit to any private lesson on my only day off..

Today is Friday; August 12th

The day started on a very good note where everything was great. However, at some point inn the day my lil one decided to act up for no reason (well I doubt it was for no reason, it was mainly because I started my full time job and he started seeing me a lot less which is quite annoying not for him alone but for me too). We had great food and my sister decided to make us some great home made stuffed pasta. 

I decided in the evening to cancel my plans with my lil one due to hiss behaviour and decided to go out on my own for a change to just chill. I went to the Nile street and stayed there till midnight which was stressful and fun all at the same time. I couldn't enjoy my time because I was preoccupied with my lil one who was at home on his own.

To my surprise when I got home, my lil one was wide awake in the room watching Peppa Pig and lying on the floor. My heart melted to that sight and I spent the rest of the night with him. 

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Friday 12 August 2016

Happy Day 43

It is finally the weekend after a very long week of waking up at 6:30 in the morning. I have been out every single day in the morning and I come back home at 8pm after my radio show.

Today is Thursday; August 11th

The day started extremely early at 5:30 in the morning which was excellent because I was able to think of a topic for my radio show and I was also able to have a relaxed start to my day. At about 7:30 I was out with my lil man and by 8am I was at school prepping my classroom and my class work as well as my homework. Today was basically the longest day I have ever spent at school because I did absolutely nothing other than putting up posters and going over previous plans. I came to find out the amount of work that needs to be handed in this year is extremely overwhelming and crazy. I had to take a break to collect my thoughts and ideas to get back to work.

I couldn't have a breakfast break because I was extremely indulged in my laptop and my work to the extend that my sight started blurring. After my longest day at school, I stopped by a Greek sandwich place and I bought a massive crisps bag. Getting to the radio was perfect because I had enough time to enjoy my mini meal and my massive crisps. And because I already knew what my topic was, I slowly entered into the live room and centred myself on the seats.

This is my intended plan for my Class Door Decoration
"Describe yourself using a movie title." was the show this evening. It was extremely interesting and the listeners comments were so entertaining. I shared the title of the movie that describes me which is "One Fine Day". After a great day at the Radio I headed towards someone's place to collect my new work shoes and I am extremely hyped about them. When I got home, I was over-exhausted and I couldn't stay up and eat anything until I slept for a bit then I woke up and had a bit of cereal.

A great busy day that got me smiling from exhaustion. Have a great morning Lovelies (^_^)

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Happy Day 42

The days are passing by so quickly that I hardly even feel like it has been 42 days since I started. I have done so much and I have become a calmer person.

Today is Wednesday; August 10th

I was up by 6am this morning and I am still going on strong, I am a bit tired but not exhausted although I have been to school, the private lesson at the end of the world and back to the radio to start my show.

My class is almost done, I had to create a couple of illustrations to be hung up on the wall and I still have to make the door decoration that will be up tomorrow or Saturday morning (but I refuse to come to school on my last day off before the real work starts). I had a bunch of meetings to complete our timetables and to organize our reading schemes. I also was able to get through a lot of the files and paper work that is filed up in boxes in my classroom. I had to go through endless boxes for the classroom to start looking a bit tidier and neat.

Once I was done with school, I had to pack my stuff and head towards the private lesson at the end of the world where the students were completely tired and couldn't sit down and start studying with me. I did not mind my students going around and talking because for some reason it doesn't affect me like it used to do ages ago. The kids were great and they weer able to do some of the work they meant to finish. I also went through their work, homework and classwork, I noticed that their teacher doesn't complete the lesson and I brought up this issue to the mother because she needs to be aware of the lack of teaching happening not only in her little ones' school but her school as well.

Coming to the radio on time was not difficult but it was a bit of a hassle since my sister had to stay at work for a bit longer and I had to make my way on my own towards the station which meant me paying a lot of money to get to work. The radio is fun as always and I spoke about eating off other's plates. The best part of the day is getting invited for supper at the Radio, I had eggs, salad and black eyed beans which was extremely satisfying after a long day out of the house.


Have a great evening Lovelies (^_^)

I must add that my friend is starting the 100 Happy Days Challenge as well which makes me feel even greater than ever.. Yaaaay..!! 

Happy Day 41

I am behind.. I am late and I have a massive smile across my face..!! Still wasn't able to finish my classroom and haven't even started with my weekly plans and exercises since I will be teaching something like 6 subjects..!!

Today is Tuesday; August 9th

I started going to work quite early just to get in the habit of waking up at 6am, I have failed miserably to wake up at 6 sharp but I have been waking up at 6:40am which is good enough. This week is basically the first week of school which means they do not start to nag about the teacher's attendance until next week. I have completed a lot of work and I am trying to be on top of my work because if I ever fall behind then I am back to square one with all the private lessons and the Radio work. In other words I will technically have a nervous breakdown.

Going to work is always fun as it feels like I am in a different country and the people are simply hilarious. The work is almost done but I have things that needs to be dealt with which are out of my hands and all I have to do is sit and wait for the products to arrive.

After school, I was able to go back home in time for my private lesson of the afternoon then fetch my lil one who was coming back from physio and eat something while standing then head out again to make my way to the Radio Station to start my show which I have stopped preparing since I started school for the obvious reasons.

The show was great and I was talking about paying back the money you owe. Unfortunately, I didn't get many interactions as I hoped for but I was extremely excited because I find the Radio quite soothing. The walk home was a disaster as for some reason I decided to walk home and I stepped in a massive puddle of semi-dried mud which got stuck to my shoe and refused to come off.

The best part of the day was getting home in time to kiss and cuddle my lil one and go to sleep as early as possible although I have a great amount of work piling endlessly.

Have a great day Lovelies (^_^)

Monday 8 August 2016

Happy Day 40

Woke up at 6:30am.. Panicked about my lil one's home schooling plan.. Panicked about my classroom which isn't ready yet and stressed about the amount of work I am taking on.

Today is Monday; August 8th

The day started bright and early, I had a great sleep and a great start for my day. It has been about 2 weeks since I decided that my lil one is going to be home schooled due to the lack of disability awareness at the schools available in Khartoum (where I have been living). For some awkward reason I woke up with the urge to call a school to ask about vacancies for my lil one. It is the type of school I would like to take him to, but their talk about the fees and how she emphasized on the fees made me think twice. The problem is that my lil one is able to recognize the English alphabets which is excellent but he is incapable of recognizing the Arabic ones which is quite a problem for me as Arabic is my first language. With this is on my head, I started my day quite burdened and unaware of the impact of my decision on his future.

I went to work and I completed quite a lot of the work which was great. I was the first to get to school at 7:45 in the morning, I was optimistic and energetic and I was extremely excited about y first official morning meeting. The day passed extremely quickly, I only had enough time to get home and freshen up and head towards the Radio for my show.

The show is about showing affection in public which I think is lacking in our society. Even if you are showing your affection to your parents, children or friends. It was great but it was a quick show that was put together. I feel like I have been putting my Radio work a bit behind because of the school work which is CRAZY.

WISH ME LUCK..!! Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Sunday 7 August 2016

Happy Day 39


Today is Sunday; August 7th

After the non-stop rain yesterday, the roads were completely flooded and it was very difficult to get around. It happens to be my first day at my new job too which I was extremely excited about. I woke up early, got ready, prepared my lil one and dropped him off then I went back home to get my stuff and head towards the school. I made sure to have something to eat and drink so I don't get drained during the day and to avoid having migraines.

When I got to the school, I was early which was great and I sat there waiting for the rest to arrive. We had the morning meeting and I found out that my classroom moved, the school day will be longer, I will be teaching more lessons and technically I won't have any breaks between my lessons. I was GOBSMACKED by the realization but I tried to take it all in one step at a time and I will deal with it the best way I can. After the meeting, I went to my class and checked out the place and started doing some decorations with my assistant so as the classroom looks set. I still have the posters, wall display and the lesson plans (which I am extremely behind on..! (T_T)

I also suffered from a migraine during my school day which wasn't good and I ended up lying on the children's table massaging my forehead to alleviate the migraine which to my surprise worked. I then continued my day which was full of surprises, I got a free ride to my private lesson and a free ride back.

And so it is only fair to talk about free rides on my show..! and so I did. The day is going great and I am sitting at the radio because I have piled up the work and I need to be on top of it all starting this evening.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

Happy Day 38


Today is Saturday; August 6th

I only had a couple of hours sleep today and I had to be on the run since 7am. My lil one had to be taken to the centre at 7am but we ended up arriving late because I simply couldn't wake up. Then I quickly got ready as I had a private lesson at 10:30am which I also arrived late too and I ended up getting there at 11am. As soon as I started the lesson, rain started pouring down non stop. I started contemplating leaving the lesson early due to the rain but it started stopping for a bit which I thought is great as I had to go to my third lesson at the ends of the world.

I got ready the ride arrived and everything was great until I got to the main road which was FLOODED..!! The rain at this point was still drizzling and there was no sign of it stopping at all. I was still hopeful that I might be able to get to my lesson then get home but as we continued on our journey towards the lesson, the road was getting worse. I couldn't take the flooded roads and the fact that my lil one was still at the centre so I quickly cancelled my plan and headed back to the centre to get my lil one and his shadow teacher. The weather was crazy and the roads were even crazier.

Once I got to my lil one, I quickly stopped a rickshaw and I got him and his teacher to be dropped off at home. The rest of the day was great until my third private lesson decided to come to my house because they already missed a lesson and they were not prepared to miss any more. The lesson went well but by then, my nose was completely blocked, I was completely shattered and I had a headache. All I did was feed my little one and put him to sleep then I had dinner and went straight to sleep in preparation to my first day at work.

Have a great evening lovelies (^_^)

Friday 5 August 2016

Happy Day 37

The most chaotic day I have ever lived. I loved every part of it and I am thankful I lived it with all the people around me.

Today is Friday; August 5th

I woke up on the right side of bed this morning and I had a massive smile on my face and I was happy the moment I opened my eyes. I had a great morning although I was feeling a bit under the weather. I taught my lil man for about an hour, we did a bit of English reading and writing which went well (better than I expected it to go). We had lots of fun together and my lil man was excited about the afternoon as I promised him to go out together.

The afternoon came and it was time for us to get ready to go out. I thought of taking him to the mall first then I changed my mind due to the lack of money. I decided to take him to the Nile Street instead so we can have a picnic and go for a walk too since he skipped physio on Thursday because of me. I packed sandwiches and shared a ride with my mum to get to the Nile Street. The weather was great, the people were jolly and my lil man wasn't, it was very difficult for him to do a 30 minute walk using his walker and braises. We had many individuals staring, sympathizing and smiling with him (to encourage him to continue and ignore the screaming mother "ME"). As soon as I thought it was getting a bit too much, Buddha (not the Buddhist Buddha) came and made my lil man smile, laugh and start enjoying his training session.

Then we got to the part of the day where we sat enjoyed the sandwiches and drank some hot drinks, I got coffee and my lil man had hibiscus. At around 8pm, we head home and I quickly got my lil man ready for bed because I had to get ready. I was meeting up one of  the mothers who I recently became friends with and who is the parent of a couple of my students. I met my friend and I also got to see her children which was great because I missed them greatly and I found out that her younger son is my lil man's best friend.

We ate and had coffee and we ended up planning another get together in which the kids meet up and watch a movie together.


Have a great evening Lovelies. 

Thursday 4 August 2016

Happy Day 36

Eventful was the only word I can use to describe this day. I had many things to do although I cancelled all my private lessons to track down my money to cover my expenses. After my dearest friend refused to answer my calls and texts messages.

Today is Thursday; August 4th.

So after a raining night, I couldn't get out of bed to drop my lil one at his centre session. I called his shadow teacher and cancelled today and I also contacted the centre to let him know that he will not be coming. Instead of having a quite morning with my lil one, I decided to get up and go to the Radio to ask for my next month Salary in advance to cover many of my debts since my friend did not pay me for the job I did for her with the English Curriculum for her new school. The sad thing is that she broke my heart after not replying to my many calls and texts and she did not get back to me regarding the payment although I completed all the tasks I had at hand. 

I went to the radio hoping that my boss will accept my request and will give me my salary in advance. I waited and waited for long and while I was waiting I had the best breakfast with my colleagues, who I haven't got together with in ages. I talked and interacted with all of them and it was refreshing. The best part is when I gave the request to my manager Taha and he accepted it in no time telling me the most comforting thing I have ever heard "Don't worry about it, we all go through things". On top of all that, I got my cheque and I also got a ride to the bank to issue my cheque. 

At the bank, I was waiting for my turn and I was number 343 on the queue which I didn't mind. However, I was approached by the customer service assistant or employee, who helped me reactivated my bank account the day before, and she asked me if she can help me with anything. I told her it was ok but she insisted and took the cheque and my ID and completed my transaction and issued my cheque all while I was waiting in my seat. Then I went on to pay the biggest chunk of my debts (AND I FELT RELIEVED..!!).

The evening show was great, and I had fun talking about midnight snacks and it went smoother than butter. The evening was great too, I got to meet a very special person and we caught up on all the things we didn't talk about. 

Have a great day lovelies.

Just to point out, yesterday I felt very saddened by my friend's reaction, which left me feeling abandoned and had no faith in people. Today was a proof that great people do still exist and they are amazing and they will help you if you needed them. I love everyone who maded my day great and helped me out. THANK YOU GREAT PEOPLE, YOU ARE SUPERB.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Happy Day 35

Running after money is one thing I do best and I keep collecting my money like a debt collector. This month I am so behind in paying my debts that I am starting to borrow some money from my work places to cover my debts.

Today is Wednesday; August 3rd

The morning was great, I woke up at 6am and I started my day bright and early. I made my lil man's breakfast, got him ready, took him to the centre and went to the bank to reactivate my bank accounts. Everything was perfect, although I had many bad news and sad incidents which I will refrain from mentioning here cause it is worthless and they only affected me momentarily. The day continued to be on my favour after my second private lesson was cancelled and I ended up staying at home all afternoon.

The evening was at the radio and it went well. The show was great and the evening topic was great too. I am glad that I ended up figuring out what to do and how to deal with paying for my debts which are mainly things I bought online (^_^). To my surprise, my third private lesson was cancelled too due to the heavy rain, which hasn't stopped yet, and I was excited about that and couldn't be happier. I got to finish early and make my way home under the rain.

The best thing happened when I was heading home which was meeting one of my friends when I was struggling to get a rickshaw to drive me home. He managed to get me a rickshaw and he also covered the costs. I was grateful and still am and he sure made my 35th day a lot happier. I'm glad that Wednesday went easy on me cause it is one of the toughest days of the week. 

Have a great evening Lovelies.

I just wanted to point out that today was one of the saddest days in my life as in my heart sank because of an incident but I will try to make the most of my day. Thinking of the great things happened is everything I can do to keep my sanity (^_^)

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Happy Day 34

I downloaded Prisma and I started Prisming all my old new and ancient photos, it is getting out of hand and I LOVE IT.

Today is Tuesday, August 2nd

The day started quite early since my lil one started attending classes at a centre near the house. My lil one goes to the centre at 7:30am then I start on my business. I cancelled all my private lessons except the afternoon one as my mum was feeling unwell and she was not ready to face the day. I stayed a bit longer at home to make sure that my nephews are ok.

I then had to go to Bahri for my private lesson and it was an interesting lesson as the students' level was beyond expectation. I also had a chat with the mum about the schools and how she did not like the school I will be working with for some awkward reason. The best part of the day happenedd right after my private lesson where I got a rickshaw and went to my sister's work place as it is closer and cheaper than going all the way home. I loved it and it was so much fun being with my sister, I got 2 FREE NOTEBOOKS which I am EXCITED ABOUT..!!(Actually I was over the moon with the gifts that I didn't know what to do with both of them)

Another great part of my day was when I called one of my friends and talked to her about her decisions in work. My friend who started the school (and I am no longer working with) wanted to get us all under one roof but things for some reason didn't work in her favour. As I didn't work with her and now my other friend is not either. The sad part is that my friend had to face some pretty sad and upsetting back chat and conversations due to her decision. I felt quite comfortable being there for someone who was in the same position I was in a few weeks ago but unfortunately had no one to talk some sense with.

Be Honest is the best thing that you can do for anyone around you. Have a Great Evening Lovelies.