Wednesday 24 August 2016

Happy Day 56

Getting closer to the end makes me feel like I should extend my challenge a bit just to stay. Separation anxiety or WHAT...!! I have difficulty letting go and this challenge is a massive part of the better more emotionally enhanced me so it will be a bit emotional coming to the end of it and seeing my challenge finishing. But I guess you always complete a challenge to let another one in and that is how you grow as a human being.

Today is Wednesday; August 24th

For some odd reason I have gone through today with the massive feeling that it is a Thursday and I will finally get to sleep in. The morning was yet another challenge to get through, however, I was able to get to school extremely early and my lil one got to the centre early too. The only reason why I dragged myself out of bed this morning is that I had a P.E. lesson the very first thing in the morning so theoretically my lil one's should be drained by the time they get to the lesson. In contrary to what I thought, my lil monsters were too energetic right after P.E. and they were only getting stronger as the day passed.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my lesson because I had endless amount of work at school this afternoon and I ended up staying at school till about 5pm. Getting to the Radio was a bit of an issue as I was getting drained out of all the energy I had since the morning. I am also contemplating cancelling my evening lesson because it feels like a Thursday.

The radio show was a complete surprise because for once in my career as a Radio presenter I had no clue what should I talk about. Although, I was trying my very best and I was squeezing every part of my brain to get a topic, I couldn't come up with anything. I decided to talk about surprises and how you feel about them.

The best part of the day is that Maria, my very good friend packed me lunch this morning which was perfect because I had it with my morning tea. THANK YOU MARIA (^_^)

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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