Friday 12 August 2016

Happy Day 43

It is finally the weekend after a very long week of waking up at 6:30 in the morning. I have been out every single day in the morning and I come back home at 8pm after my radio show.

Today is Thursday; August 11th

The day started extremely early at 5:30 in the morning which was excellent because I was able to think of a topic for my radio show and I was also able to have a relaxed start to my day. At about 7:30 I was out with my lil man and by 8am I was at school prepping my classroom and my class work as well as my homework. Today was basically the longest day I have ever spent at school because I did absolutely nothing other than putting up posters and going over previous plans. I came to find out the amount of work that needs to be handed in this year is extremely overwhelming and crazy. I had to take a break to collect my thoughts and ideas to get back to work.

I couldn't have a breakfast break because I was extremely indulged in my laptop and my work to the extend that my sight started blurring. After my longest day at school, I stopped by a Greek sandwich place and I bought a massive crisps bag. Getting to the radio was perfect because I had enough time to enjoy my mini meal and my massive crisps. And because I already knew what my topic was, I slowly entered into the live room and centred myself on the seats.

This is my intended plan for my Class Door Decoration
"Describe yourself using a movie title." was the show this evening. It was extremely interesting and the listeners comments were so entertaining. I shared the title of the movie that describes me which is "One Fine Day". After a great day at the Radio I headed towards someone's place to collect my new work shoes and I am extremely hyped about them. When I got home, I was over-exhausted and I couldn't stay up and eat anything until I slept for a bit then I woke up and had a bit of cereal.

A great busy day that got me smiling from exhaustion. Have a great morning Lovelies (^_^)

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