Friday 19 August 2016

Happy Day 51

Since I am starting my second half of the challenge I will be reflecting a lot more on my life and my week. I have been through so much this week all the ups and downs and all the other challenges in my life. I decided to do a reflective post every Friday to give me a bit of a peace of mind to be able to start my week in a better mood.

Today is Friday; August 19th

I woke up very early today since I am used to waking up at 5:30am on a daily basis. The day started very good, I did most of my work and was able to organize a lot of my work which should be handed in on September 4th. I was also trying to get my head around all the private lessons I took on and decide which ones I should drop after all.

The biggest challenge I faced today is to decide whether I should continue homeschooling my lil one or should I take him to a unilingual school (although he is capable of speaking both English and Arabic fluently). When I had a conversation with the Deputy Head at school, she clarified that knowing whether to take him to school or home-school him all depends on his capabilities of continuing university and being able to graduate from university. I strongly am aware that my lil one can do it and can make it through both school and uni but how is the biggest question.

I was advised to try an interesting series called Fuzzbuzz to help my little one read English. I have been searching left, right and centre for this series online but I haven't come across the full series.

Knowing my lil ones strengths and weaknesses is not enough, being here in Sudan with a child with disability is extremely difficult. A lot of places are not trained to deal with different students who have different needs and different learning abilities. My struggle is to find the school that will take him the way he is and help him develop as a great human being who will be able to complete university and continue with his education if he desires to do so.

Although I was extremely drained and tired, I went out with my sister, her husband and the lil ones. We ended up driving along the Nile and getting a bite at the mall's food court.

Have a great morning Lovelies (^_^)

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