Friday 5 August 2016

Happy Day 37

The most chaotic day I have ever lived. I loved every part of it and I am thankful I lived it with all the people around me.

Today is Friday; August 5th

I woke up on the right side of bed this morning and I had a massive smile on my face and I was happy the moment I opened my eyes. I had a great morning although I was feeling a bit under the weather. I taught my lil man for about an hour, we did a bit of English reading and writing which went well (better than I expected it to go). We had lots of fun together and my lil man was excited about the afternoon as I promised him to go out together.

The afternoon came and it was time for us to get ready to go out. I thought of taking him to the mall first then I changed my mind due to the lack of money. I decided to take him to the Nile Street instead so we can have a picnic and go for a walk too since he skipped physio on Thursday because of me. I packed sandwiches and shared a ride with my mum to get to the Nile Street. The weather was great, the people were jolly and my lil man wasn't, it was very difficult for him to do a 30 minute walk using his walker and braises. We had many individuals staring, sympathizing and smiling with him (to encourage him to continue and ignore the screaming mother "ME"). As soon as I thought it was getting a bit too much, Buddha (not the Buddhist Buddha) came and made my lil man smile, laugh and start enjoying his training session.

Then we got to the part of the day where we sat enjoyed the sandwiches and drank some hot drinks, I got coffee and my lil man had hibiscus. At around 8pm, we head home and I quickly got my lil man ready for bed because I had to get ready. I was meeting up one of  the mothers who I recently became friends with and who is the parent of a couple of my students. I met my friend and I also got to see her children which was great because I missed them greatly and I found out that her younger son is my lil man's best friend.

We ate and had coffee and we ended up planning another get together in which the kids meet up and watch a movie together.


Have a great evening Lovelies. 

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