Monday 22 August 2016

Happy Day 52

Today is the day when my lil one was poisoned while I was working. It was the day when I thought enough is enough and I had the shortest sleep ever.

Today is Saturday; August 20th

I was meant to go to school this morning and take my lil one to the centre, but I was extremely lazy and I wanted my lil one to take another day off before we start again. The morning was a bit overwhelming because I was talking to my friend on Facebook and we were discussing our lives and how she is starting to cope with things. It was also my first time to open up about how difficult it has been with my lil one's CP and how schools are not taking him in because of his disability. After my emotional morning, it was time for me to start my first lesson. It went very slow and my student was not ready nor prepared for the lesson. She was either asleep or not interesting in the lesson at all. Although it was extremely slow, it went by and I got my money.

Straight after the lesson, I had a bit of time to eat and prepare for my second lesson. During that break, my lil nephew told me that my lil one threw up in the hall although he hasn't eaten. Then I asked their nanny who could care less if he did or didn't and she did not bother to tell me about that incident. I completely brushed the whole thing under the carpet then I went to my second lesson which was surprisingly very great.

Since it was a Saturday, I had no radio and I was able to relax straight after the second lesson. (BUT OH NO..!! NO REST FOR THE WICKED) I started chatting to my lil one since I had nothing to do and to my absolute shock, he blurted out the 3 incident that happened this afternoon which was popping 6 multivitamin tablets after my nephew told him to do so and popped them out for him..!!!

At this moment, I could not help but break down completely. I walked out of the room, and started weeping my lungs out after this horrible day. And so I decided that I will not leave my lil one on anyone's supervision except mine from now on which means I will be working and ALERT 24/7.

I do allow myself some horrible days in my challenge. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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