Thursday 18 August 2016

Happy Day 50

I really don't know where to start from. Should I speak about my first week at my new school or should I speak about my emotional roller-coaster this week. Should I speak about my ups and downs with my new very young students or my anxiety when dealing with the other teachers.

Today is Thursday; August 18th

Finally a Thursday has arrived and I feel like I can breathe again and try to organize myself a lot better so I can be able to conduct and deliver a great lesson the way I am used to. I woke up early in the morning as usual and I decided to give my lil one a bit of a break from all the waking up and the centre and the physio routine. I got ready and made a lot of noise all while he was fast asleep poor lil thing. I got on the rickshaw which I agreed with to drop me and pick me up from school on a daily basis. At least one struggle is off my shoulders and it is sorted.

I got to school extremely early and was able to sign in early and get to my class in time to prepare for my full day with them. I literally had all my lessons with them today (I was extremely overwhelmed by the idea but when it came down to it, it is quite ok).

I normally start my lesson with a 5 minute free chat so that they get all their chat out of the way and I find that quite relaxing for me and them. Then I start off my lesson on the carpet where we start choosing the classroom helper, then talk about the rules and remind them of their good and bad behaviours. Although I was dreading today because of how long it is, I was part of the assembly which was an extremely lovely experience where I felt like I belongs to a larger community. After our assembly I was able to complete all my lessons for the day and I was managing everything well (although a bit frustrating sometimes with all my Year 2 children).

My first week and I had a birthday party  where everyone went BONKERS and I was not able to calm them down quick enough. At that moment, I felt too overwhelmed and I can't be the great teacher I thought I could.

After school, I managed to go back home and relax for a bit and update my blogs then it was time to go to the Radio where I spoke about a quiet weekend vs a busy fun one. The show was great because one of my great teacher friends Maria was listening to me and that made me work harder and sound more enthusiastic.

The best part of the day is enjoying a pizza with my sister, her husband and the kids at home while watching the Olympics. It was an overwhelming week but if I planned it a lot better, I will be able to deliver better lessons and I will include my assistant a lot more in my lessons from now on.

Have a great Morning Lovelies (^_^)

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