Monday 22 August 2016

Happy Day 53

The day I started working in 3 different places all at the same time. So my thing is that I always take in extra work when I don't need to in case I run short in money and I don't have enough money to pay for my lil one's transportation or teaching.

Today is Sunday; August 21st

I started my day as usual at 5:30 in the morning, I was extremely exhausted this morning because I had to be up throughout the night to make sure that my lil one survives his first night of overdosing with multivitamins. Since it was a rough morning, I was dreading my week. However, my students were great and they were able to pick me up from my deepest sorrows. The day went by very smoothly and my students were lovely although they were all over the place (and they are quite a chatty bunch). 

After school, I started a new project with a new student who is from China. I love teaching students from different countries as it is a massive challenge for me as a teacher. The only problem is that I start teaching her at 3pm straight after school which finishes at 2:30pm. The other problem is that I usually don't feel hungry until 2pm which means I starve at about the same time I should start heading towards my poor student. 

My student is lovely and she is quite smart for an 8 year old young girl. All I have to do is encourage her to speak and try to build her English in different areas such as creative writing. I enjoy teaching this student and I loved her family. 

The third problem that is facing me after taking this job is it finishes at 5pm, which means I have to rush to the Radio to start prepping for my show. However, since I decided that I will never leave my lil one under anyone's supervision, I will have to pick him up from the physiotherapist's place at around the same time. In other words, My schedule is extremely tight when I start with my new private student and I teach her about 4 days a week @_@

Although it was tough, I got it done and The Radio was a lot of fun because I was happy for some reason and I found out that Athletes get paid for getting the gold medals...!! On my way home, I got drained of all my energy reserves and so I cancelled my evening lesson and moved it to Tuesday and Thursday.

The day was ok but in comparison to yesterday's it was a lot better. Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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