Sunday 7 August 2016

Happy Day 38


Today is Saturday; August 6th

I only had a couple of hours sleep today and I had to be on the run since 7am. My lil one had to be taken to the centre at 7am but we ended up arriving late because I simply couldn't wake up. Then I quickly got ready as I had a private lesson at 10:30am which I also arrived late too and I ended up getting there at 11am. As soon as I started the lesson, rain started pouring down non stop. I started contemplating leaving the lesson early due to the rain but it started stopping for a bit which I thought is great as I had to go to my third lesson at the ends of the world.

I got ready the ride arrived and everything was great until I got to the main road which was FLOODED..!! The rain at this point was still drizzling and there was no sign of it stopping at all. I was still hopeful that I might be able to get to my lesson then get home but as we continued on our journey towards the lesson, the road was getting worse. I couldn't take the flooded roads and the fact that my lil one was still at the centre so I quickly cancelled my plan and headed back to the centre to get my lil one and his shadow teacher. The weather was crazy and the roads were even crazier.

Once I got to my lil one, I quickly stopped a rickshaw and I got him and his teacher to be dropped off at home. The rest of the day was great until my third private lesson decided to come to my house because they already missed a lesson and they were not prepared to miss any more. The lesson went well but by then, my nose was completely blocked, I was completely shattered and I had a headache. All I did was feed my little one and put him to sleep then I had dinner and went straight to sleep in preparation to my first day at work.

Have a great evening lovelies (^_^)

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