Wednesday 10 August 2016

Happy Day 41

I am behind.. I am late and I have a massive smile across my face..!! Still wasn't able to finish my classroom and haven't even started with my weekly plans and exercises since I will be teaching something like 6 subjects..!!

Today is Tuesday; August 9th

I started going to work quite early just to get in the habit of waking up at 6am, I have failed miserably to wake up at 6 sharp but I have been waking up at 6:40am which is good enough. This week is basically the first week of school which means they do not start to nag about the teacher's attendance until next week. I have completed a lot of work and I am trying to be on top of my work because if I ever fall behind then I am back to square one with all the private lessons and the Radio work. In other words I will technically have a nervous breakdown.

Going to work is always fun as it feels like I am in a different country and the people are simply hilarious. The work is almost done but I have things that needs to be dealt with which are out of my hands and all I have to do is sit and wait for the products to arrive.

After school, I was able to go back home in time for my private lesson of the afternoon then fetch my lil one who was coming back from physio and eat something while standing then head out again to make my way to the Radio Station to start my show which I have stopped preparing since I started school for the obvious reasons.

The show was great and I was talking about paying back the money you owe. Unfortunately, I didn't get many interactions as I hoped for but I was extremely excited because I find the Radio quite soothing. The walk home was a disaster as for some reason I decided to walk home and I stepped in a massive puddle of semi-dried mud which got stuck to my shoe and refused to come off.

The best part of the day was getting home in time to kiss and cuddle my lil one and go to sleep as early as possible although I have a great amount of work piling endlessly.

Have a great day Lovelies (^_^)

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