Tuesday 30 August 2016

Happy Day 62

I will just not try and speak about today, I almost cried at some point this afternoon but then I gathered my strength and energy to complete my day and it surprisingly finished well. I honestly love every single one of my 16 7 year olds.

Today is Tuesday; August 30th

Today my lil man did not feel like waking up in the morning and so I did the very first thing that came to my mind which is leave him at home (which was the very wrong decision I every did). I went to school extra early and I was able to do a couple of things, however, not all. I managed to find my yellow cup and I was able to drink tea first thing in the morning which was good but it could've been great with a cup of coffee. The day was longer than usual and it took me a while to get through my day in comparison to the rest of the week. To my surprise, I came to the realization that the parents meeting will be on WEDNESDAY which is TOMORROW at 7:30pm. 

The day took a surprisingly interesting turn at the end with a great laugh with my lil students at our Drama lesson. we played a couple of games which was mirroring and silent work. It was great fun and they worked together like magic. On top of all that, The class room was quiet for a few minutes. After my interesting more of a roller coaster day, I had to attend the meeting which was at 2:30 and it lasted until 3:30pm which left me with 15 minutes to sort out my classroom before the dreaded meeting tomorrow. 

On my home, I passed by my lil one at physio then got home for my 1 hour break before getting to the radio to talk about about HEALS VS FLATS. I also spoke to my manager about leaving early tomorrow because I have a meeting at school and he was lovely enough to be able to fill in for me when I have to leave.


Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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