Sunday 28 August 2016

Happy Day 60

Other than my hormonal changes, I have nothing to complain about as the challenge has unfolded great hidden aspects of my great personality. I can't wait to learn more about myself and my surroundings in the next 40 days which will be great.

Today is Sunday; August 28th


Before I start mumbling about how great it felt to get such a check at the end of the month, I will start you off with my morning which was great as I slept early and I woke up having slept more than enough. Although I was late to get out of bed, I actually got to school on time and around the same time as the Deputy Head (aka Principal but she hates being called that). The morning was a complete struggle as the electricity kept cutting during the lessons which was extremely annoying to the point that my lil students started complaining of death if they did not go somewhere else. Therefore, I quickly moved them somewhere cooler and with a bit of air conditioning. The day continued to become busier and busier until I finally had a break and during that break I came to the realization that it was pay day and you just walk to the accountant's office to collect your cheque! (I WAS CRAzY HAPPY AT THAT MOMENT)

At the end of the day, after I got id of all of my kids and I made sure that they all went home, I went to the accountant and I collected my FIRST CHEQUE from that school (after a month's worth of blood, sweat and tears).

I didn't have time to enjoy my cheque as it was time to hit the road to get to my private student as I will get paid there too after my long lesson. The lesson was great but my student wanted to play a lot more than usual and so we were only able to do a bit of work in comparison to the other days.

After my lesson, I suddenly remembered my lil one who went to physio at around 2pm and I wanted to know if someone had picked him up. To my surprise, he was still at physio and it was lovely getting him from physio because he was so happy to see me and he was excited to get on the rickshaw again.

I ended my day with the most random topic on my show and the most random decision of the evening that I will do my lesson although I have to concentrate on setting my lil one's Arabic curriculum since I will start him on home schooling fully tomorrow.

Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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