Tuesday 16 August 2016

Happy Day 47

It got better today at my new school and my new job. I had a bit of time for myself and I was able to get my head around the work and the environment.

Today is Monday; August 15th

The day at school went very well with lots of improvements with the students behaviour and my response to their actions. I find it very difficult to listen to 13 students all speaking at the exact same time as if they are all synchronized to start at the same moment. Everything was smooth and I was able to complete all the work needed. The best part of school is that someone at school was nice enough towards me that she prepared breakfast for me with a  cup of tea at the end of the day. I seriously needed that boost of energy which kept me going till the end of the day. 

I was also able to get back home in time for my 1st private lesson and that also went surprisingly well although I had a complete electric cut out at home. Then I had my cup of coffee with a bite to eat.

Going to the Radio was great too, I still had some energy to get me there and allow me to work on my script. Not only that I was also able to contact some individuals for future interviews. The show was great and it went well and I was able to choose my singles which I wasn't able to do the evening before. 

The evening was a bit of a struggle where I had a lesson and my lil one refused to sleep and so he was attending the private lesson quietly with his spiderman. I had to end my day with a bite with my little one and we quickly went to sleep (Although I wasn't meant to fall asleep as I had a lot of work to do but there you go, sometimes sleeping is better ).

Have a great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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