Friday 1 July 2016

Happy Day 2

Today was a difficult day for my 100 happy days challenge, I am trying very hard not to remember all the things that went wrong and I'm forcing myself to focus on the positive events. I am biting my tongue, holding myself back and containing my anger, and inner aggression that is fighting to come out. It is quite a challenge to change your mindset and be able to calmly remember to be HAPPY (never thought it is..!! No wonder it was called "a challenge").

This morning was great though, I spent some quality time with my lil son and my nephew who were excited about the presents I got them. We played football, my son ended up walking better using his new leg braises and we enjoyed the morning fresh air. I then showed them how to plant some Fenugreek seeds which they were happy with. Then we went in for a snack and to watch some TV. 

The day continued to be relaxed, chilled and quite good, as I found an online ad for a Kids Bazaar (conveniently located near where I live and in a Cafe which means coffee time). I ended up going to the Bazaar with my lil one, bought some clothes and enjoyed my coffee. Now thinking back to that moment in time, what really happened is that the Bazaar started bizarrely late and I ended up buying unfitting clothes, however, (on the bright side) I spent some time with my lil one which he enjoyed. He loved going shopping and choosing his own clothes (although baggy and oddly fitting) and he ended up having a fresh orange juice. I also loved talking to my lil one as an adult and I loved how he has grown into a young man. It felt like I missed quite a lot without realizing how time passes. 

Photo credits goes to my lovely son Aboodi ^_^
Later in the evening, I managed to get a free ride to print some paper for my private classes, I got back home on time, I didn't spend a penny over my budget and I was able to conduct a smooth lesson with my students. 

So I guess, an overall success on my second day regardless of the few glitches that happened to remind me that I am part of other people's lives as well as they are part of mine. 

Now, I need to make me some coffee and sweets to conclude my Happy Day 2. Good Night Lovelies.

Also a massive note to self "Things happen in its own time so you can't force it, just sit back relax and enjoy the journey taking you there" and of course don't forget to put in a bit of an effort while you are at it.


  1. very nice..spending time with our kids is the best thing we can do for them and for us it may sound like a normal thing a parent should do, but kids they feel so happy when they spend time with their parents. maya enjoy your challenge you are doing great and you are inspiring us to see the positive things and ignore the unfortunate events in our day.

    1. So true Duaa.. I still don't get the excitement but I will try to make it a weekly thing where we get to do things together.. Thank you for your encouraging words dear

  2. I enjoyed reading about second happy day.Being a single mother and in a soceity like ours is in itself a big challange,so keep up the good spirit and may God bless you and Aboodi

    1. Thank you Khaltu Nagwa.. your encouraging words are priceless and I honestly appreciate your efforts of reading my post and caring to comment.. THANK YOU :)
