Sunday 24 July 2016

Happy Day 24

So the weekend is finally coming to an end, which I always feel very confused about whether I should be happy or sad I honestly don't know. Today I had a day filled with surprises from beginning to end.

Today is Saturday; July 23rd

What started as the most boring day turned into a crazy day. My lil one wasn't feeling well and so I decided to cancel all my lessons to stay with him. I actually just postponed them to later so I can find out what is wrong with my lil one. My lil one also skipped physio and stayed at home and played all day. The lesson was a DISASTER and my students were tired, lethargic and tired. But it went on very quickly and I was able to keep my composure throughout (where normally I would be screaming at them :P).

The interesting part of the day was when I visited a couple of other students at their houses. They were a cute primary students whose father was a diplomat..!!! A REAL DIPLOMAT..!! I think I was more intrigued by the father than them and so I took the job. I am just waiting for them to get back to me to confirm all the details. The people were so courteous to the extend that I got a lift home for free.

I was so pumped with that job and the end of the day was even greater as my brother in law got us food from a Syrian Place nearby.

with a full stomach, I want to saay Good Night Lovelies  

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