Sunday 10 July 2016

Happy Day 11

I have one of the most caring children in the world, yesterday when my sister was suffering from a migraine my lil 6 year old tried to give her a head massage. Today my lil one asked me if I was feeling well because he felt something on my forehead and so he started massaging my head. I am extremely happy that I have come home after the Radio and I found him awake, waiting for me. We had dinner together then we watched Tom & Jerry together which was wonderful. Normally I would not notice these moments and they would pass me by without any acknowledgement.

Photo credit goes to my lovely student Dania 

The weather was and still is great today, I started the early morning with my lil one's cancelled lesson and no physiotherapy session. After a great lye in, I decided to go shopping with my sister and so I ended up buying 2 of the most beautiful shoes ever (a pink and a black one). 

When we got home, my sister and I ended up spending some quality time together (because she called in sick today and we ended up having a great day after so long). We also ended up having some great time with the lil ones, we ate altogether, played endlessly then listened to music and danced around each other like crazy people.

The best part of the day was when it started raining, and we all decided to go out to the backyard to stand under the rain. My lil one (with my help of course) and my nephew started running under the rain and they couldn't get enough of it. My lil one wsz walking properly and WITHOUT his braises (That's how excited he was about the rain). 

Photo credit goes to my lovely student Dania
I also went to work and I had a great day at the Radio and I talked about BEING HAPPINESS on my show which is starting season 2 after Ramadan break. The topic was light and my lovely listeners were GORGEOUS as usual. I finished and I was still able to catch the rain and I got soaked under the rain waiting for a rickshaw. 

It was a gorgeous day altogether. I am going to continue work and prepare some stuff for tomorrow so Good Night for now Lovelies. 

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