Monday 4 July 2016

Happy Day 5

Today was such a heavy day on my soul, and I tried to play it off and sweep my sorrow under the carpet and make jokes of the situation. My radio show, which i co present with 3 or 4 other presenters, came to an end with the final episode airing this Ramadan (keeping in mind that we will meet again next year same time if we are all in the same place). I had to calm my emotions down and try to make sense of all the emotional roller coaster which I was dealing with. I honestly will miss my lovely co presenters who shared this Ramadan with me, whether it was good or bad, and I want to Thank you all through this post. To be honest, was it that I am stressing about parting from my colleagues at work? Or was it that I am such a workaholic that having no work seems so nerve wrecking? (I will let you decide ^_^''')

I was going to talk about free gifts and how they provide you with a bit of happiness, I received a giveaway out of the blue this morning that made my day and started me on a great note. I got a free USB stick and a red pen from one of our sponsors at the Radio (DAL Motors). My lil one had a great day off with lots of play with his little Spider-man and I loved how smooth my last lesson went before my 6 day break starts.

My sister and her husband bought us PIZZA and that was almost highlight of the day until I got to the Radio and found out that today was my final episode on my radio show. My biggest problem is that I am uncomfortable with change, I hate unfamiliar and unknown changes. I keep reminding myself that I have to enjoy my present moment without stressing over a future that didn't happen and I am not sure if it will happen or not. It was my biggest challenge as of yet to face such distress, which I have never thought I will face ever. I smiled throughout the show and in front of everyone, I talked nonstop and almost revealed my vulnerabilities (which wasn't nice and I don't like doing this).

So I decided instead of sinking in my own sorrows, I would thank you all for a lovely month of Ramadan. And Thank you to my sister and her husband for the PIZZA. The last thank you goes to my lil one who was gorgeous and well behaved today.

Guys honestly it doesn't take much to make someone happy, a simple gift can make someone happy. And if you are broke like myself then just saying THANK YOU followed by a SINCERE HUG will be sufficient too.

I will try to get my thought off the topic and get me some coffee without any sweets this time and I will enjoy my evening since I have no work for the next 6 days (OH MY LORD..!!)

P.S. I don't know how to relax properly so I planned out some work to be completed in the next 6 days. 

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