Friday 29 July 2016

Happy Day 28

Today it rained and it rained quite a lot..!! Finally the heat wave ended with rain but what comes with rain is a lot of wet ground. As in you will be walking on massive puddles of water all over the streets and main roads.

Today is Wednesday, July 27th

I had a new private student this morning, I thought I was going to meet an ordinary 11 year old who needs to be encouraged to speak in English. To my surprise, my student was excellent and he spoke perfectly with no mistakes. Mustafa, my student, was well informed on different topics and he was able to speak about a specific topic for a long time. He told me that he was interested in 'Minecraft' the game that I heard about only on YouTube. He was extremely smart and he was teaching me about 'Minecraft', Honestly I was gobsmacked by this student and I think I will have a hard time to develop him because he needs no development. 

After my lesson, I went to school and it was great. The problem is that I will not be working with the school and I haven't confessed to the principal yet. I wanted to put my hands on a qualified teacher then I can go to the principal, who is also a dear friend, and tell her that I won't be working with her. The day was great with lots of stress but great nonetheless. 

Got home as usual and fed my lil one and my nephew then I rushed to the Radio, and another surprise was awaiting me there. One of the sound engineers, who was away for a while, came back and he was telling me about his fascinating tip to Egypt via bus, boat and train. I was so infatuated bu the trip that I have decided to take my lil one on the same trip at some point this year.

What was great about today is that it was cloudy before I entered the Radio Station, and as soon as I was done, the rain was still falling so my sister and her husband decided to pick me up. On our way home, we got some takeaway and we head home. 

My lil one and I enjoyed the meal and he loved it as much as I did. A great day indeed.

Have a great morning Lovelies.

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