Sunday 10 July 2016

Happy Day 10

My second week of this challenge and I am slacking a bit with my lil one's exercises session which I hope do not have a reverse effect on his muscles and body. However, when you are a parent of a disabled child you sometimes feel like they need a bit of beak and they need to sometimes feel normal. I understand his dinky body is in dire need of the exercise but being happy and healthy also should have an effect on his progress. My lil one grew up in a very great environment to the extent that he does not have the inner feeling that pushes him to do more (as in woke independently and become an independent little individual). He loves the attention he gets from everyone, he adores his walker, he enjoys going to physiotherapy and he can't get enough of his shadow teacher (I am happy with his positive energy but his therapists aren't)

Today, I spent my day doing absolutely nothing, I chilled most of the day and I watched TV (and did a bit of reading too).

What I was very happy about was dealing with my nephew who is about 2 years old. He usually gets extremely scared around us because he lives abroad and he isn't used to us. When my brother left for just a couple of hours, I was successful in calming him down and getting all the toys he is interested in (a massive pat on my back). 

I was also happy about looking after my sister who had a migraine and I baby-sat the kids while she took a bit of rest. Then my lil one and I spent a bit of time together enjoying a meal together then we both went to bed. 

During the day, my lil one had a sad incident where his present toy gun stopped working and  that broke his heart. Being the good mother I am, I promised him that I will take it to the repairman and I will get it fixed (Not knowing that the repairman was only me and I will end up fixing it after he goes to sleep). I tried to fix it but to no success as I failed miserably and I wasn't able to find the problem. So I decided to hide the broken gun, then go out and buy him a new one tomorrow (problem solved without him realizing ofcourse). Super-mum achieved GOALS..!!
My attempts of fixing the toy gun :(

Again with the late posts, but better late than never. Have a great day Lovelies. 

P.S. looking back at the photo I posted, makes me wonder is that how violence grow in lil ones!! Keep in mind that this is JUST A TOY GUN NOT A REAL ONE. And I am totally against violence (^_^)'''''

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