Friday 29 July 2016

Happy Day 30

Working on a Friday is always annoying but sometime I have to get it done so I can start a new week fresh with nothing rolling over from the previous week. I had to work on my private lesson and I was contacted to take on a 2 week private lesson project. I always like a new challenge but when I thought about it and considered my busy schedule it was a tad bit overwhelming.

Today is Friday, July 29th

Since July is finally coming to an end, I am getting extremely happy about that and about making sure that I get paid. I have so many bills to pay and debts to cover and no money as of yet.The funny thing is that I would normally be too stressed out to think about money and bills at this point of the month but I am doing and I am reasonably calm regarding the debts I am facing this month.

I spent most of the day sleeping and lying in my room doing absolutely nothing. Then in no time, it was 4pm and my private student arrived on the dot. My young student was funny and quite entertaining. I gave him a task to complete and it was to do a mini essay on the advantages and disadvantages of 'Minecraft'. The funny thing is that he just researched the advantages and benefits of the game completely forgetting the other part of the essay. We continued the lesson as usual, and while I was conducting a lesson I cam across a book about Mohamed Ali. My student was clueless when I showed him the photo of Mohamed Ali, He had no idea who the character was and so I decided to ask him to do another research about Mohamed Ali and find as much information as possible about the guy. I decided from now on to discover as many famous characters in the history of Humanity as possible.

The day ended with my stressful call with my recent private lesson project which I am a bit reluctant about taking, but I took it anyways knowing that it might cause me a complete melt down. I need the money after-all PLUS I love a challenge when it is presented. On top of all that, teaching grade 2 students and preparing them for SATs exam is extremely beneficial for my upcoming job starting on August 7th.

I am getting butterflies just by thinking of the exams coming up, I have 2 weeks to prep those 2 students for their SATs exam which they will be taking in Egypt.

Wish me luck and have a great night Lovelies. 

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