Saturday 2 July 2016

Happy Day 3

Things unfolded nicely today, I was able to contain my anger and keep my anxiety at bay. I was also able to maintain a positive, balanced outlook of my day which I am extremely proud of (massive pat on MY BACK). My overall reflection is that I ALWAYS tend to allow people to influence my decisions and my moods, however, I am more than capable of blocking them and focus only on myself and what is beneficial for me and my lil one (Today was a lovely proof of that ^_^).

I have never thought being late can be such a blessing. I woke up late today so my lil one missed his ride to his physio session and he ended up going later than usual which I thought was very upsetting but it turned out that he enjoyed staying at home for a bit longer. 

MASSIVE THANK YOU to Tibyan his great physiotherapist for looking after my lil one at physio
I haven't mentioned this before but I conduct private English lessons as a way of making extra cash which ends up paying for little things such as transportation, snacks, toys and my lil ones whims. This morning my students ended up coming late which was also a blessing as I had more time to spend with my lil one before he went to physio, I also was able to pack him lunch for his long day ahead and I ended up preparing for a meeting which was taking place right after my private lesson. The students ride ended up coming late too which allowed me enough time to finish what I needed to cover and allowed them some time to watch a bit of "The Young Titans"!

Although I arrived very late at my meeting where everyone was waiting for me (honestly, I didn't want to go because of the heat, the sun and my pure laziness), I was able to attend the most important part of the meeting and I had all my questions answered. With this new job offer on my busy plate, I would normally suffer from anxiety and stress which are caused by the desire to make people around you happy, BUT I DID NOT STRESS (Yaaaaaaaay...!!). I weighed the pros and cons of accepting this job and taking it on board of my crazy busy schedule and I was able to come to a clear decision of what I honestly want to do.

The best part of today is that I allowed myself to follow my gut feeling (I always hear people talking about it, but I never allowed myself to follow my gut feeling and listen to the signals around me. Maybe it is my busy life style or my pure ignorance, I don't know..!!). It felt like once my inner soul was at peace and I calmed down all the anger, pessimism and disappointment, I was able to enjoy my present, the moment that I live in which I always tend to forget because I was constantly either stressing over my future or depressing over my past. The Now that matters the most.

As I finished my meeting at around 4pm, I had a gut feeling that urged me to pass by my son's physio just to make sure he was picked up earlier. To my surprise, I found my lil one still at physio playing around as my brother in-law ended being caught up at work and he wasn't able to pick my lil one up o drop him at home. My lil one greeted me with a massive cheesy smile on his face and he was excited about our ride home together.

The day continued to have some unexpected things such as cancelled exciting plans to go shopping (thankful it was cancelled because I would've ended up splurging) and uncancelled cancelled boring plans to give another private lesson (grateful it ended up happening because I found out that my student is afraid of disappointing me.. she thinks highly of me!!! SUPER HAPPY).

Now I am waiting for my nail polish to dry so I can get a bite to eat then straight to sleep. Good Night Lovelies. 

Don't forget to enjoy your now whatever you are doing because you can't change your past and you definitely can't control your future. All you have is "NOW".

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