Wednesday 6 July 2016

Happy Day 7

Today marks one week since I started the 100 Happy Days Challenge. I am extremely proud of myself for making it this far (as I thought I will quit this challenge just like I quit everything else that is a challenge in my life). Today was also the Eid day 1, since I was celebrating it with my family, it was extremely special not only for me but for my little one.

My lil one woke up extra early to get his action figures which I promised him of 3 weeks ago. He completed his collection and now him and his cousin have a total of 8 action figures that include; 2 spidermen, 2 batmen, one superman, buzlightyear, an alien and a wrestler.

Right after getting his gifts, he had to start his daily training using the knee braises and the walker. He was uncomfortable at the beginning but he continued to pick up the strength and worked harder bless him. Then he put on his new clothes and he looked extra handsome with his haircut (I absolutely love his CUTE FACE).

Then we got excited about the arrival of my brother from the UAE, who got my lil one and his cousin a RED SPIDERMAN Backpack, and that send both of them over the roof. Our busy happy day did not stop here, my lil one and I went to visit my colleague Sarah from the Radio who invited me for Eid Biryani (which excited me and sent me over the roof). Sarah's company was superb (She always interact a lot comfortably when in her own zone) and her mum's Biryani was superb. My lil one ended up getting money for eid, I ended up spending some adult time with Sarah and I took some books to read from Sarah and a couple of shirts (HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY).

If you think the day came to an end then, you are mistaken my friend because I received a call from my sister who asked me to meet her and the family at the mall. As soon as I got the call, I got my stuff together and head to the mall to meet up with my family and had a bite at the food court. What I loved the most is the drive home which was lovely.

Now I am thinking of making a coffee, get some biscuit and enjoy a read. Thank you Sarah (^_^). Good night for now lovelies

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