Friday 8 July 2016

Happy Day 9

This is my second week in my 100 Happy Days challenge, I am still as excited as when I first started. I noticed that I somewhat changed not a lot but just small bits of my thought process, I  slowly started to notice the happy things that happen in my day, I also started becoming calmer and less stressful than before.

Today was the most stressful day since I started the challenge. Being a parent of a disabled child is all about hanging in there through the ups and downs of your child's life. My lil one suffers from Cerebral Palsy and he has a physical disability that affects his movement and muscle control. He continuously needs physiotherapy to strengthen his muscles, but recently we had a public holiday therefore his physiotherapy centre closed for 7 days 7 WHOLE DAYS..WHICH NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE..!!). During those days, I was advised to train him at home and so I do that daily until the centre ones up next Monday.

Today's training was very stressful, my lil one struggles a lot during the exercise and He wasn't able to coordinate his legs movement along with his arms movement. It was also extremely frustrating for me to watch him struggle when attempting a very basic move. Normally at this point I will be in pieces and I will just stop the exercise, however, I didn't act so frustrated today and I didn't lash out of his sight. I continued encouraging him and kept reminding myself that he is still a child and he is actually trying his best. That thought calmed me down quite a lot and I was very supportive after the exercise. 

After the exercise session, my lil one got Eid a present and Eid money which was nice. I also noticed that since I started my lil one on multivitamins and Omega 3, his appetite has become a lot better (I am really happy about that). We ended our day together with a bit of Pizza and Fries. 

Now due to migraine I forgot to post something last night and I ended posting this morning. But it is all good and Good Morning to all of you lovelies

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