Saturday 16 July 2016

Happy Day 16

Friday is my least favourite day of the week, it is always busy and reminds me of all the pending work I've been ignoring all week. However, July 15th was one of the best days ever.

My day started early with my lil one and my nephew acting all gorgeous and polite. Then I had to start my pending work which was preparing the spelling lists of the curriculum for my friend's school. and when I was doing that I decided to play some music for my lil one and my nephew. we started off very nicely with the latest singles, then my sister joined us and I started playing some of the 90s music that my sister and I grew up listening to. We had a blast, we danced and sang to the great singles of our childhood.

After a great afternoon of old singles, I had promised my lil one to take him to the mall a few days before because he's infatuated by the arcade and car games.And so the day had come for us to finally head to the mall, which was spectacular, on top of that my mum decided to join us on our little journey. My lil one was very great as he started walking for a long time till we got to the arcade (with the help of his braises of course, but he still did it). The walk was a little uncomfortable because people here had to stop and look at him as he walked. I was getting extremely aggravated by that but I had to swallow my anger. It was so awkward to the extent that a young beggar stopped walking and he had to walk with us till we got to the entrance of  the mall. The young beggar kept asking me to carry him and stop forcing him to walk, and I kept explaining that he needs the training. After our encouraging yet bizarre encounter with the beggar, we faced a lot more sad looks from the people inside. Although everything was perfect and my lil one had a great time, I really hope he didn't notice people's sympathetic looks towards him.

After our blast of a day, we had to finish it off with a meal at the food courts. My lil one was happy, my mum was happy and I was happy. I had to finish my day with a bit of cinnamon cake and some tea.

Have a blast today Lovelies.

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