Saturday 16 July 2016

Happy Day 15

Today I start my 3rd week of my 100 happy day challenge, time flew by and I am loving it. I am calmer now, I hardly get my anger attacks and I am in-control of my feelings a lot more.

July the 14th started with a massive power cut which was at 2am, and when the power cuts it means only one thing "NO SLEEP". I opened my window and was listening to the rain as I laid on my bed for absolute hours and when I thought that my night is going to continue that way, BOY I WAS MISTAKEN, my lil one decided to wake up. As he stretched and turned in bed, he whispered quietly "is the electricity cut?" and so I answered him and asked him to go back to sleep. At that point he looked at me and said "Mummy, I am hungry!". The funny thing is that at that moment I laughed which made him laugh, then for an instant I thought to myself that I can ask him to go back to sleep or I can make the most of it and actually make him food. So I ended up making him food in the dark (Thankfully we use gas stoves; and I made some egg fried rice). While I was cooking in the dark kitchen, I kept hearing a shuffle which scared the hell out of me but I kept ignoring the sounds. To my surprise, my lil one appeared out of nowhere with his mousy lil voice and he asked me what I am making. After taking our glorious fried rice upstairs, my lil one took 2 spoons of it and then he was full!! (WHAT..!! I COOKED IN THE DARK, GOT SCARED AND ALMOST BURNT DOWN THE HOUSE FOR 2 SPOONS) But again, I thought to myself it is all about the experience and what we did together.

After the sleepless night, my day went by as usual, the great thing about it is that my morning classes were cancelled and moved to the afternoon which gave me more time to sleep. I went to my friend's school to help out and I got back home with my lil one on the slowest rickshaw on this planet. Due to the night rains the city was pretty much flooded so traffic was horrific and cars were peddling on the water ever so slowly.

My evening show was a lot of fun again, I did it myself and I slayed it!! My evening didn't finish here because one of my dearest friends was getting married this Thursday. I was so close to cancelling the whole thing but I ended up going and attending her wedding which was beautiful and she was one of the prettiest brides I ever seen.

Now, this is how you end your day with a bang. Have a great afternoon Lovelies.

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