Sunday 3 July 2016

Happy Day 4

I have noticed since the beginning of my challenge there are two thoughts that keep creeping into my mind. The thought that things happen when it is time for it to happen and (most importantly) we are all here to fulfill our destinies and complete our roles in this life. Once that is fulfilled, we are ready to face our next challenge. It has been a very long time since I last felt this inner peace about my life. I always had some kind of struggle towards something in my life whether it is marriage, life partner, child, country, work, pay.. etc. and I've always been unsatisfied with the cards that I've been dealt and I kept thinking that the "Grass is ALWAYS Greener on everyone's side except mine". That was toxic and I am glad that I have reached a point where I can look back at my life and say that I have changed.

Today was one of these days when I wasn't well health wise. I don't want to delve into it since I'm feeling a lot better now and I have recovered quite nicely. So my 100 Happy Days Challenge continues on to unfold some crazy eventful days.

My lil one is finally having a 6 day break from his nonstop physiotherapy sessions. He wasn't able to hide his excitement when he found out, so I started telling him about all the great things we will end up doing (which are NOT PLANNED YET..! AND I'M COMPLETELY BROKE FOR).
On top of all of this excitement, I received an email from the Radio informing all the presenters (including yours truly) that we will be taking a break starting Tuesday for about 5 days (PERFECT, RIGHT!). I was uneasy about not having work at first due to my addictive personality and my workaholic tendencies. However, I started to calm down as soon as I thought of all the places and all the things that my lil and I can do together since the last time we had such time together was July 2013 (Almost 3 years ago). We will start bonding and create unforgettable memories together that will keep us happy till our next adventures together.

Another thing I am extremely happy about is that I started seeing my lil one as my companion in this journey called life. He teaches me a lot on how to become responsible, strong and intelligent, and I teach him teach him (hmmm...!! well you know...!!!) how to become a child and enjoy his childhood. 

Although my health was not on tip top shape this morning, I didn't feel like taking a rest nor relaxing and I planned to go about my day as usual; drop my lil one off at physio then pick him up, picking up my orders from a nearby place and conducting my lessons. To my surprise and completely out of the blue, my mum decided to go out and she was able to drop my lil one off at physio. What's better is that on the way back, y brother in-law was coming back home so he was able to pick my lil one up from physio on his way. It turned out that the universe was forcing me to have one of these stay-in-bed days and I took it without hesitation (if it was the previous me, I would've dragged myself across the city to do everything). 

As for work, I enjoyed a succulent meal prepared by my friend who decided to take my advice into consideration. What really made me happy is that my friend looked a lot better, healthier and most importantly happier. The show went well and very smooth and I finished my day with a massive smile on my face (^_^)

Finally, I went out with my sister and her husband to look for new clothes which turned out to be an interesting evening out filled with TONS of laughter and crazy jokes. So thank you guys for making my evening count and staying out with me till late knowing that you have work tomorrow morning.

Now, I'm going to prepare a cup of coffee so I can enjoy a bit of cake with it and I will talk to you tomorrow. Good Night Lovelies

This is where Spider-man sleeps
p.s. I decided to give my lil one one of his action figure present and this is where Spider-man sleeps for the past 4 days :)

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