Thursday 30 June 2016

Happy Day 1

My lil one suffers from mild Cerebral Palsy (to all the families who are living with Cerebral Palsy a massive hats off to all of you), although he was never prescribed any medication, recently his condition became stagnant and he was given Baclofen (a medicine which is a nervous system relaxant). I was extremely unhappy about the decision of him going on medicine but just today his condition is getting a tad bit better although extremely slowly but, I am grateful and over the moon for that slight development.

Another happy moment was that I have decided to give one of my colleagues at the Radio a little present which made her happy and that was exciting. I also decided to attend a work get together, fighting all the forces in my soul that were urging me to stay at home and continue being antisocial and a massive miserable cow. On my way to the restaurant, I decided to tip the rickshaw driver and socialize like a normal human being at the restaurant with all my colleagues some of who I have not met in quite a long time. later on this evening, I also was straight to one of my colleagues about her toxic behaviour towards herself and I was brutally honest which I was happy about because I felt like everyone was feeding on her toxicity without stopping it (fingers crossed she listened and took it in).

Since I already admitted of being a miserable cow, it's worth mentioning that I am extremely Camera Shy and I hate taking photos. But of-course this is going out of the window as well and I took many photos when I was at the restaurant with my colleagues. Then I went to execute a great episode at my radio show Chit Chat Cafe at Capital Radio 91.6FM.

I finished off my evening by buying some presents for my little one which to my surprise turned out to be his favourite thing in the whole wide world "ACTION FIGURES" (If you think that was a normal thing to find at a toy store, well you are mistaken my friend). And I also bought a couple of footballs for my lil one and my nephew to play with.

Now, I am enjoying a great cup of coffee with great sweets to conclude my Happy Day 1

Just to let you know guys, my day actually started on a very bad note with lots of screaming, shouting, crying and again a bit of hating my life. Good Night Lovelies