Friday 29 July 2016

Happy Day 30

Working on a Friday is always annoying but sometime I have to get it done so I can start a new week fresh with nothing rolling over from the previous week. I had to work on my private lesson and I was contacted to take on a 2 week private lesson project. I always like a new challenge but when I thought about it and considered my busy schedule it was a tad bit overwhelming.

Today is Friday, July 29th

Since July is finally coming to an end, I am getting extremely happy about that and about making sure that I get paid. I have so many bills to pay and debts to cover and no money as of yet.The funny thing is that I would normally be too stressed out to think about money and bills at this point of the month but I am doing and I am reasonably calm regarding the debts I am facing this month.

I spent most of the day sleeping and lying in my room doing absolutely nothing. Then in no time, it was 4pm and my private student arrived on the dot. My young student was funny and quite entertaining. I gave him a task to complete and it was to do a mini essay on the advantages and disadvantages of 'Minecraft'. The funny thing is that he just researched the advantages and benefits of the game completely forgetting the other part of the essay. We continued the lesson as usual, and while I was conducting a lesson I cam across a book about Mohamed Ali. My student was clueless when I showed him the photo of Mohamed Ali, He had no idea who the character was and so I decided to ask him to do another research about Mohamed Ali and find as much information as possible about the guy. I decided from now on to discover as many famous characters in the history of Humanity as possible.

The day ended with my stressful call with my recent private lesson project which I am a bit reluctant about taking, but I took it anyways knowing that it might cause me a complete melt down. I need the money after-all PLUS I love a challenge when it is presented. On top of all that, teaching grade 2 students and preparing them for SATs exam is extremely beneficial for my upcoming job starting on August 7th.

I am getting butterflies just by thinking of the exams coming up, I have 2 weeks to prep those 2 students for their SATs exam which they will be taking in Egypt.

Wish me luck and have a great night Lovelies. 

Happy Day 29

The day was not necessarily one of the greatest days since the beginning of my challenge. I shouted at a rickshaw driver because he refused to give me my change back. I twisted my ankle and I found out that I will not get paid over-time for my work over Ramadan. I did get annoyed quite a lot but the Rickshaw incident was the one that broke me and got me into tears. However, I reminded myself that being happy is always about noticing the full half of the cup and that's what I ended up doing at night.

Today is Thursday, July 28th

The morning was good, I had to cancel my private lesson because my friend, who is a principal at the school I am helping, asked to see me regarding an important matter. I got ready, dropped my lil one at the physio and went straight to work to meet up with my friend. When we finally sat down to talk about the important matter, I was shocked to learn that she was not happy about me doing my private lessons at her school. Not because she minds ME doing that but because she doesn't like the mother of the children I am teaching. I took her point and told her with all honesty that it is her school at the end and I could care less what is happening between the two of them. Anywho, so I decided to give the kids their lesson at their home for the next week and I will stop teaching them after that due to its complete inconvenience.

After school, I picked my lil one up and headed straight home and that is when the rickshaw incident happened. I was fuming but managed to have a shower, calmed down and prayed which helped quite a lot. I ended up going to the Radio in a good mood and I had to talk about how do you change your mood from Sad to Happy and what do you do. My listeners were great as usual and they were lovely with their great comments. The show went well, I was invited to a couple of pieces of fried chicken and I LOVED IT.

To top my day, I slept very early -at around 10pm- on a Thursday night when everyone is out and about and I managed to wake up at 4am with my lil one, we had a laugh and a bit of a chat and went back to sleep.

Planning a much more exciting day today, Have a great day Lovelies. 

Happy Day 28

Today it rained and it rained quite a lot..!! Finally the heat wave ended with rain but what comes with rain is a lot of wet ground. As in you will be walking on massive puddles of water all over the streets and main roads.

Today is Wednesday, July 27th

I had a new private student this morning, I thought I was going to meet an ordinary 11 year old who needs to be encouraged to speak in English. To my surprise, my student was excellent and he spoke perfectly with no mistakes. Mustafa, my student, was well informed on different topics and he was able to speak about a specific topic for a long time. He told me that he was interested in 'Minecraft' the game that I heard about only on YouTube. He was extremely smart and he was teaching me about 'Minecraft', Honestly I was gobsmacked by this student and I think I will have a hard time to develop him because he needs no development. 

After my lesson, I went to school and it was great. The problem is that I will not be working with the school and I haven't confessed to the principal yet. I wanted to put my hands on a qualified teacher then I can go to the principal, who is also a dear friend, and tell her that I won't be working with her. The day was great with lots of stress but great nonetheless. 

Got home as usual and fed my lil one and my nephew then I rushed to the Radio, and another surprise was awaiting me there. One of the sound engineers, who was away for a while, came back and he was telling me about his fascinating tip to Egypt via bus, boat and train. I was so infatuated bu the trip that I have decided to take my lil one on the same trip at some point this year.

What was great about today is that it was cloudy before I entered the Radio Station, and as soon as I was done, the rain was still falling so my sister and her husband decided to pick me up. On our way home, we got some takeaway and we head home. 

My lil one and I enjoyed the meal and he loved it as much as I did. A great day indeed.

Have a great morning Lovelies.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Happy Day 27

Today was a difficult day to start with and it ended to be a wonderful one. I started fasting again which means I'm getting closer to the finish my days.

Today is Tuesday, July 26th

So I started my day as usual going to school, attending my private lessons and completing my work load. I have recently been barred from using my phone because I am extremely behind in paying my bills but it all worked well because I started taking my internet connection everywhere and I contact people via the internet. I thought I will be devastated when my phone gets barred and I thought I will be isolated from the world and I will start hyperventilating which didn't happen at all. I enjoyed being cut off the phone world..!!

I also was able to get home on time, did my radio work on time and ended up having a great day at my show talking about how do you show people around you that you care. The highlight of work this evening is that I played a great song by Kendrick Lamar which I never thought it existed.

When I got back home, I found out that my sister is still out and all the lil ones are up playing in the hall. I got so overwhelmed and a bit upset and so I took them to sleep. The funny thing is that we all ended up sleeping on the same bed. My lil one, my nephew then I slept in an angle and the baby slept on his rocking chair. A TRIUMPH :)

I need to get back to work so have a great evening Lovelies

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Happy Day 26

I finally met up with a beautiful person yesterday which was great (I know some of you won't relate to this but I am a person who never goes out because I have no friends and I have no time). A gorgeous get together with a great spirit here in Sudan.

Today is Monday, July 25th 

I went to school today but this time I was early, I felt very overwhelmed with waking up early and taking my lil one to physio so early. My private lessons were moved to the school as I am there from 9 in the morning till about 3 in the afternoon. The school was great, The private lesson was ok and I landed another private lesson with an adult this time who wants to learn ENGLISH (SUPER CATCH BECAUSE I LOVE TEACHING ADULTS). 

I was extremely tired today and so I had to break my fast which was a shame but I was unable to continue my day. It was extremely hot and humid and I was running late. 

Another turn in my day is that I turned down the diplomat's childrren who live fairly far away because they refused to pay a decent amount of money. Shame.. Shame.. Shame.. (but I am happy).

I had a great show at the radio and what was great about today is that I met which a great person who I recently met. Miss Maria she is the most gorgeous and most positive person you can ever meet. It was quite energized and extremely happy with the presence of this person. We talked. We had great coffee. We laughed. We walked. And We went window shopping.

To my surprise when I got home, my lil one was sleeping but he was wearing a different clothes than the ones I put him in. I found out later from my mum that my lil one spilled water and he cleaned it up and then he got his shirt and shorts dirty so he took them off and asked my sister to put the PJs on him. I can't describe how proud I am of his independence at this very young age, not only did he do all that but he also took his medication. I was filled with pride and hope that although his disability permits him from doing many things, he is coping quite nicely with his new found independence. 

Have Good Evening for now Lovelies.

Happy Day 25


Today is Sunday, July 24th

So I started attending at my friend's school to finish off the decorating part of work, I already finished preparing all the paper work needed for the English Language from preschool up to grade 6. I am still waiting to find someone to take the place of an English Teacher at that school, so if you live in Khartoum and you are a qualified passionate teacher, please email me.

Moreover, my student who I was privately tutoring called me to assure me that her placement test went well and she found the questions easy to answer with a bit of difficulty here or there.

Another thing happened this Sunday is that I RAN OUT OF MONEY..!! hehehe..!! It was inevitable as I have no full time job this month but I am hanging in there very strongly and I am making many adjustments to be able to pay all my debts off and it is working so far. I am thinking to myself one pound at a time and it will all work out for the best.

So fingers crossed, I am hopeful and I am certain that this month will not only bet he greatest but the most blessed too (^_^)

Have a great afternoon Lovelies

Sunday 24 July 2016

Happy Day 24

So the weekend is finally coming to an end, which I always feel very confused about whether I should be happy or sad I honestly don't know. Today I had a day filled with surprises from beginning to end.

Today is Saturday; July 23rd

What started as the most boring day turned into a crazy day. My lil one wasn't feeling well and so I decided to cancel all my lessons to stay with him. I actually just postponed them to later so I can find out what is wrong with my lil one. My lil one also skipped physio and stayed at home and played all day. The lesson was a DISASTER and my students were tired, lethargic and tired. But it went on very quickly and I was able to keep my composure throughout (where normally I would be screaming at them :P).

The interesting part of the day was when I visited a couple of other students at their houses. They were a cute primary students whose father was a diplomat..!!! A REAL DIPLOMAT..!! I think I was more intrigued by the father than them and so I took the job. I am just waiting for them to get back to me to confirm all the details. The people were so courteous to the extend that I got a lift home for free.

I was so pumped with that job and the end of the day was even greater as my brother in law got us food from a Syrian Place nearby.

with a full stomach, I want to saay Good Night Lovelies  

Happy Day 23

The weekend is unfolding very nicely, and I started off with screaming my lungs out because my lil one lost his balance and spilled the milk all over the place.. GOOD MORNING WORLD!! The Joys of Having a son with C.P.

Today is Friday; July 24th...

After my long day, I spent a couple of hours reading and catching up with the book I started ages ago but it is actually getting a lot better and more interesting. I also had a couple of minutes of relaxation before my lil one and my nephew decided to bombard me with screams and shouts and questions.

The evening was the best part and so I will just talk about that. I was about to finish a couple of pages on my book and I was thinking of taking my mum and my lil one to eat out somewhere, but to my surprise my mum came to my room and asked me if I would like to go out with her.

It was such a  difficult decision to decide where to go, we went from just around the corner to a bit far and then we settled to somewhere further away from where we live in.We decided to go to Ozone a restaurant located in Khartoum 2 which approximately 15 to 20 minutes away from where we live. It was exciting because I knew exactly what to order.

When we got there, the restaurant kitchen was getting reconstructed and so my mum was not able to order anything of her liking, instead she settled for a Caesar Salad (which she complained about non stop and the order made her hate the place for ever). I ordered a red velvet waffle which was SCRUMPTIOUS..!!

Although my mum was in a bit of a bad mood because of her order, I refused for that to ruin our day together. And so I started to chat to her about all the things we did and the people around us. We laughed. We took pictures. We enjoyed our meals. And that is how my day turned to be the greatest day with my mum and lil one.

It was truly enjoyable and I love the time I spent with my dearest my mum (The fact is that I work day and night and I hardly spend time with my mum or talk to her). Have a great evening Lovelies and enjoy your families (^_^)

Thursday 21 July 2016

Happy Day 22

I was extremely drained today and so it was only fair for me to cancel everything and stay at home in preparation to go to the hospital appointment for my lil one.

Today is Thursday, 21st of July.

As you all know by now, my son suffers from mild CP (Cerebral Palsy), he goes to physiotherapy daily for about 2 hours a day. He has been going to physio for about 3 years non stop now and his progress is ever so slow. He also underwent a surgery (tenotomy) to help with the tension on his tendons and maybe allow him to walk one day. He can crawl very efficiently but standing and walking is still a challenge. So we had an appointment with a neurologist last month who prescribed Baclofen for him, since he has never taken any medication for his CP before I was extremely hesitant and very cautious to start him on this new medicine. I did my research and looked up everywhere on google to check the side effects of this medicine then I decided why not start it then we can see what happens next. My lil has been on his Baclofen since June 21st and it has helped him relax his tendons quite a lot and so his performance in his physiotherapy sessions has developed.

Today was our check up appointment with the neurologist, which I made very clear to everyone. I also was able to confirm some of the postponed appointments and prepared everything for it. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the doctor because she had many patients and she had a lecture to attend at the University. I was a bit annoyed but I was able to quickly pick up the pieces and tried to make sense of the delayed appointment. It is all for good reason which I will not understand until later.

I then had a lesson and soon after the lesson I had to go to the radio again for the final episode this week. Today's show was extremely enjoyable because I talked about cartoons and I was able to talk about my own love for cartoons.

When I finally got home, I was starving (since I watched Simon and Martina breakfast video on YouTube). And so I decided to eat something healthy with salad and rice. To my surprise my lil one was also hungry and so he ended up eating all my salad and I was left with the saladless rice and meat..!

I am currently reading some interesting emails regarding my plans for this year, fingers crossed it will all work for the best. I know my lil one will be over the moon with the plan..

For now, Have a great evening Lovelies.

Happy Day 21

I continue to try to over come my obstacles and the negative thoughts that crosses my mind every now and then. It is a constant battle to remind yourself of all the good, positive things that ad happened in your day which you should eventually focus on forgetting all the bad, negative events that happened.

Today is Wednesday, July 20th.

My day was extremely busy since the morning, I knew I had a busy schedule and hardly any time to breathe, think or pause for a moment. I prepared my radio script since the morning before I head towards my private lessons and start teaching my lovely students. The lesson as always went on very smoothly and it ended with my little students giving me a letter (and Oh.. How I LOVE LOVE LOVE STUDENTS' LETTERS). Because I was running out of time I had to put the letter in my back pocket and continue running around like a headless chicken.

As soon as I was done from the lesson, I had to pick up my lil one to drop him off at his physio session and quickly get to my friend's school to help out with the class preparations and tidying. As soon as I got to the school, I started hanging all the posters and I introduced the new idea of the English classroom and I also had to discuss the English Language curriculum that I set up for year 1 up to year 6. The day at school dragged endlessly and it felt like eternity and the work did not come to an end. However, I was quickly running out of time and I had to get my lil one from physio, drop him off home, feed both him and my nephew then head to the radio station.

I prepared some biscuits to take with me to work, which I normally eat alone but I recently have been taking the biscuits to give to my colleagues. I just recently discovered the delight of giving people simple things such as biscuits and so I started taking some with me every single evening to see my colleagues at work smile while eating them.

Radio as usual wen very well as I ended up doing some of the show on my own and I finished with a bang. Since I started this 100 Happy Days Challenge, I have been happier at work and I have been reflecting a positive vibe in my show which I enjoy.

Finally, when I got home after work and I was getting ready to sleep (GUESS WHAT..!!!!), my student's letter fell off my jeans and it was the perfect time for me to read it or just view it. All I can say is that it absolutely made my evening and I was able to sleep with a massive smile on my face.

Have  a Great Evening Lovelies. 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Happy Day 19

Today I have no time to breath, I have to be everywhere all at the same time well not exactly t the same time but right after each other.

The date is July 18th,

First thing in the morning my lesson started smoothly and ended smoothly, my students are progressing nicely and I am extremely proud of them. Their reading has developed but it still needs a bit of more practice. Straight after the lesson I had to take my lil one to his physio session then I quickly needed to make it to the school where I am helping with the curriculum. To my surprise, the customers I introduce to the school, registered and they were extremely satisfied with the structure of the school. I had to share the curriculum and take part n some work all while I was setting the script of my evening's show.

On my way back home, I picked my lil man from physio and I had to quickly get home, feed him and have a couple of laughs with him. Then it was time for me to head to the station to get ready for my interview which was meant to start at 6:15pm. Another overwhelming moment of the day is when I walked into the live room where I broadcast my show from, and I find myself surrounded with 6 people!

The interview went well and gradually the other individuals started moving out of the live room, which made it more comfortable. I loved knowing about Mr Manfred Leuchter who is a famous German Musician, it was such a pleasure to be present around a special person.

That is almost all for my day and I am definitely sure I will have such a blast the next day. Have a great evening Lovelies. 

Happy Day 20

A bit under the weather but I am determined to finish my day with a massive bang. I feel so shattered for some reason although I haven't gone to work and I didn't even step foot out of the house.

Today is July 19th,

I am writing the events of my day as I am sitting here at "Italy Pizza" with my lil one, the reasson why we are here is because my poor lil man was nagging about pizza for the past couple of days and every single time I keep delaying it because I am either broke, had no time or felt under the weather. Today was such a quiet day, I sat around did my morning lesson and I stayed in bed almost all day. My lil one went to physio and I had lots of bills to pay.

One of the most fascinating facts is that I get extremely cranky when I am feeling under the weather, which I will be working very hard to stop. Another thing I will be working very hard on, is that I need to stop talking to people about my personal business. I always put in mind that people might harbor devious motives when knowing or wanting to know about your business. I have decided to be more direct when asked but not letting out much if I have no intentions of sharing with that specific person.

As I continue writing this I find it extremely difficult to keep an eye on my lil one and continue writing..

Finally, the funniest thing happened at work, I was extremely tired at the Radio and so I was a bit unprepared but enthusiastic at the same time. As I was saying the names of the coming songs, I said "THONG" instead of "SONG"... HILARIOUS..!!

A LOVELY DAY..!! I will continue enjoying my lil one's pizza and I will write a bit more on tomorrow's post. Have a great evening Lovelies. 

Sunday 17 July 2016

Happy Day 18

Today I had the ups and downs of a month, which I am trying to reflect on and think of how I could have handled my day a lot better.

Today it is Sunday July the 17th

The day could not have started any tougher but I guess everything happens for a reason and you go through different struggles to understand the reality of people around you. The day started with a very easy private lessons that went according to plan. As you know by now I am helping my friend out in her school and trying to set up the English curriculum for her primary years. Today was meant to be the day I sit with my friend to clarify to her that I am helping her and not taking the job of a teacher at her school. As soon as I got to the school, one of the teachers pulled me to the side to ask me about my whereabouts the day before which I found extremely unsettling and so with all honesty I answered her, not knowing what she was hiding. That teacher then took me to the office and asked about what is happening with my acceptance of their offer and all that. That is when all hell broke loose and I had an endless discussion regarding my refusal of their offer and how she was heartbroken and shattered by my decision and how she will be viewed by others once she shares the news and how she felt small and how she ....... , I hope you get the picture. It was all about her! nothing about the reasons behind my decisions. The problem is that I couldn't get through to her, she didn't listen to a word that were coming out of my mouth and so I stopped talking.

It was an upsetting encounter, however, it was meant to happen for the best. I couldn't then meet up with my friend who is the principal of the school to talk further, hence I just sat waiting for her. When she came, she asked me to get some work done and so I took an idea of all the work that should be done and I was up to all the work.

My Radio Show went well as usual and the topic was hilarious as it was based on the response to my rejection of the job offer. I guess that is about all everything.

The funny part of the day is that I suffered from a migraine all throughout the afternoon and evening and I had to take my pain killer so I will enjoy my pain killer induced sleep and prepare myself for yet another fight tomorrow morning.

Good Night Lovelies 

Happy Day 17

I am writing this as I am listening to my student read her 2nd Dr Seuss story "The Sneetches". Their ride is a bit late and so I decided to start my post during the wait.

It is July the 16th and it is a Saturday.

I never thought I will make it this far but here I am bringing my 3rd week to an end with an amazing week. I love how this challenge makes you calmer and allows you to view the world from a different angle, not that I am positive 24/7, the fact that I try to reflect on the things happening in my life on a minute to minute basis is making me a lot calmer. The funny thing is that I started suffering from fewer migraines too.. Yaay..!!

It was pretty much a quiet day with lots of accomplished pending work, which is far from pending now. I completed setting the curriculum for my friend's school, that is the English Language curriculum for Grades 1 up to 6. That on itself was such an accomplishment and it made me feel invincible. I also got the chance to go to Papa Costa to have a bit of me time and I got to chill. The best part is that I got to get some pizza for my lil one.

My lil one is starting to ask questions regarding the difference between Batman, Superman and Spiderman and so my knowledge of DC and Marvel comics is surprisingly growing so as to be able to answer all of his questions.

That is about it for my quiet Saturday, tomorrow is about to start so Good Night for now Lovelies.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Happy Day 16

Friday is my least favourite day of the week, it is always busy and reminds me of all the pending work I've been ignoring all week. However, July 15th was one of the best days ever.

My day started early with my lil one and my nephew acting all gorgeous and polite. Then I had to start my pending work which was preparing the spelling lists of the curriculum for my friend's school. and when I was doing that I decided to play some music for my lil one and my nephew. we started off very nicely with the latest singles, then my sister joined us and I started playing some of the 90s music that my sister and I grew up listening to. We had a blast, we danced and sang to the great singles of our childhood.

After a great afternoon of old singles, I had promised my lil one to take him to the mall a few days before because he's infatuated by the arcade and car games.And so the day had come for us to finally head to the mall, which was spectacular, on top of that my mum decided to join us on our little journey. My lil one was very great as he started walking for a long time till we got to the arcade (with the help of his braises of course, but he still did it). The walk was a little uncomfortable because people here had to stop and look at him as he walked. I was getting extremely aggravated by that but I had to swallow my anger. It was so awkward to the extent that a young beggar stopped walking and he had to walk with us till we got to the entrance of  the mall. The young beggar kept asking me to carry him and stop forcing him to walk, and I kept explaining that he needs the training. After our encouraging yet bizarre encounter with the beggar, we faced a lot more sad looks from the people inside. Although everything was perfect and my lil one had a great time, I really hope he didn't notice people's sympathetic looks towards him.

After our blast of a day, we had to finish it off with a meal at the food courts. My lil one was happy, my mum was happy and I was happy. I had to finish my day with a bit of cinnamon cake and some tea.

Have a blast today Lovelies.

Happy Day 15

Today I start my 3rd week of my 100 happy day challenge, time flew by and I am loving it. I am calmer now, I hardly get my anger attacks and I am in-control of my feelings a lot more.

July the 14th started with a massive power cut which was at 2am, and when the power cuts it means only one thing "NO SLEEP". I opened my window and was listening to the rain as I laid on my bed for absolute hours and when I thought that my night is going to continue that way, BOY I WAS MISTAKEN, my lil one decided to wake up. As he stretched and turned in bed, he whispered quietly "is the electricity cut?" and so I answered him and asked him to go back to sleep. At that point he looked at me and said "Mummy, I am hungry!". The funny thing is that at that moment I laughed which made him laugh, then for an instant I thought to myself that I can ask him to go back to sleep or I can make the most of it and actually make him food. So I ended up making him food in the dark (Thankfully we use gas stoves; and I made some egg fried rice). While I was cooking in the dark kitchen, I kept hearing a shuffle which scared the hell out of me but I kept ignoring the sounds. To my surprise, my lil one appeared out of nowhere with his mousy lil voice and he asked me what I am making. After taking our glorious fried rice upstairs, my lil one took 2 spoons of it and then he was full!! (WHAT..!! I COOKED IN THE DARK, GOT SCARED AND ALMOST BURNT DOWN THE HOUSE FOR 2 SPOONS) But again, I thought to myself it is all about the experience and what we did together.

After the sleepless night, my day went by as usual, the great thing about it is that my morning classes were cancelled and moved to the afternoon which gave me more time to sleep. I went to my friend's school to help out and I got back home with my lil one on the slowest rickshaw on this planet. Due to the night rains the city was pretty much flooded so traffic was horrific and cars were peddling on the water ever so slowly.

My evening show was a lot of fun again, I did it myself and I slayed it!! My evening didn't finish here because one of my dearest friends was getting married this Thursday. I was so close to cancelling the whole thing but I ended up going and attending her wedding which was beautiful and she was one of the prettiest brides I ever seen.

Now, this is how you end your day with a bang. Have a great afternoon Lovelies.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Happy Day 14

As soon as I completed my sentence in my last about how I love the rain (as it was raining outside), the electricity decided to cut off! and now I am working on the laptop that is only 25% charged and an internet connection that is too weak to upload photos (the simple joys of my little life).

Today is July 13th and it is my 14th day  in my 100 Happy Days Challenge. It is interesting how days are passing quicker than I imagined and it seems that life is a lot more nicer than I previously thought.

My day started very lazy and I was just trying to get everything ready before I start my lesson with my students. I started enjoying my lessons a lot more and the best part of my lesson is that my students started enjoying reading a lot more although they are somewhat weak at reading. My students started getting through the lesson very quickly to get to the reading part where they enjoy reading and finding out what happens next in Dr Seuss's stories. I find it very fulfilling to know that my students are loving the reading part as much as I am loving it.

As I sit in my dark room (listening to my lil one snore), reflecting on my day, I also had fun catching up with my friends who are working at Core International Schools (run by my friend). Although I only spend a couple of hours there due to my busy schedule, I was able to complete their English placement tests, spelling schedule of all the classes and some of the English lessons schedule of all the classes from Grade 1 to Grade 6. I feel a massive sense of accomplishment knowing that I researched and was able to complete all the work on my own.

The best part of my day is that early in the morning I received a phone-call from the post office (SURPRISE,,!! our post is working and they are efficient.. YAAAAY..!!) telling me that my brother in law received a parcel and he needs to pick it up. I knew straight away that it was the parcel sent to my lil one from his paternal family in the U.K. in the afternoon my lovely brother in law was able to pick me, my lil one and parcel up and drop us all home for the grand opening of the parcel. My lil one got many Spiderman goodies and he was excited by everything he received.

My evening as usual was great and I hope my listeners were able to get the message f this evening's show that we are not alone when we are facing obstacles in our lives. We have to think of solutions rather than focus on the silly obstacles we face because once we overcome them at least we did not waste our precious moments crying and depressing over nothing.

Have a great evening wherever you are, whether it is raining in  your part of the world or not. Good Night for now Lovelies. 

Happy Day 13

I have decided to add a date on this thing so I can keep track of my days. I started forgetting the my days because I keep forgetting to write the posts on the day itself, so I end up writing it the following day (if you get what I mean). My happy day 13th is on the 12th of July.

Yesterday was a great day for me on all levels. I had a great start with my private lessons, after getting great feedback from the parents regarding their children's progress. I was so delighted that y students were getting better and becoming more confident in reading (all thanks to Dr Seuss).

It was a Tuesday, so we are getting through the week very swiftly and the days are passing nicely. I started working at y friend's school because I was unable to inform her that I already found another school. Regardless of my fear of confrontation and inability to break my friend's heart, I started looking for another person who would be able to fulfill my position in her school. I decided that I will be preparing everything that needs to be prepared but I am incapable of working with my friend for many reasons. I would not want to be put in a situation where my relationship with this specific person will be ruined and I would like to keep the mutual respect with all the teachers working there. So I made up my mind that I will recommend this school to other people because I know the quality of the teachers and I will eventually put my lil one in the school after his year off.

I was able to pick my lil one up from physio and it was extremely nice to spend that extra time together. Finally, I went to the Radio and I had yet another great show because I was extremely excited about all the additions and new bits and bobs on my show.

To finish off my evening, IT RAINED..!! I love the rain, and I love how the mornings after the rain are and how great the weather starts to become after the night rain.  Good night for now Lovelies (as I continue to write my other post).

P.S. I completely forgot about the best part of the day which was wearing my HELLO KITTY Backpack to both my jobs and workin' it (^_^)

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Happy Day 12

I am actually writing about my Happy Day a bit late. I was too extremely tired in the evening that I decided to give myself a break and I ended up heading straight to sleep which was quite a delight.

My day was spent very fast and I hardly remember if I had some time to breath between y busy schedule. I started my private lessons again after a week's break which was great. I was a bit anxious to start my private lessons again but it went surprisingly well. My students arrived late which was a bonus, as it gave me time to check my emails and facebook account and just do some usual stuff. The best part of my private lesson is to lesson to my students who are facing difficulties in reading read Dr Seuss stories and actually enjoy it.

One of my students, who is 10 years old, is reading "Happy Birthday to You". She actually enjoys it and laughs at all the jokes and she gets it. My other student, who is about 8 years old, is reading "The Cat in The Hat". She also started getting the hang of the stories after completing "Green Eggs and Ham". As a teacher, I feel a massive sense of accomplishment once I witness my students' reading level has developed and they are able to understand or at least enjoy what they are reading.

I keep wondering why Dr Seuss is not part of any curriculum when it helps a lot of students grow in their confidence.

I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for my Radio Show since it has been a while since I had it running. I added lots of bits and bobs to it so as to make it more interesting and I believe that I started enjoying the preparation part of it a lot more than usual.

To top my day off, I had A GREAT SHOW and I did it all by myself without the help of the sound engineer. It sounded perfect and I feel like I am finally getting challenged at work.

I will be writing my 13th post in the evening. So have a great afternoon for now Lovelies. 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Happy Day 11

I have one of the most caring children in the world, yesterday when my sister was suffering from a migraine my lil 6 year old tried to give her a head massage. Today my lil one asked me if I was feeling well because he felt something on my forehead and so he started massaging my head. I am extremely happy that I have come home after the Radio and I found him awake, waiting for me. We had dinner together then we watched Tom & Jerry together which was wonderful. Normally I would not notice these moments and they would pass me by without any acknowledgement.

Photo credit goes to my lovely student Dania 

The weather was and still is great today, I started the early morning with my lil one's cancelled lesson and no physiotherapy session. After a great lye in, I decided to go shopping with my sister and so I ended up buying 2 of the most beautiful shoes ever (a pink and a black one). 

When we got home, my sister and I ended up spending some quality time together (because she called in sick today and we ended up having a great day after so long). We also ended up having some great time with the lil ones, we ate altogether, played endlessly then listened to music and danced around each other like crazy people.

The best part of the day was when it started raining, and we all decided to go out to the backyard to stand under the rain. My lil one (with my help of course) and my nephew started running under the rain and they couldn't get enough of it. My lil one wsz walking properly and WITHOUT his braises (That's how excited he was about the rain). 

Photo credit goes to my lovely student Dania
I also went to work and I had a great day at the Radio and I talked about BEING HAPPINESS on my show which is starting season 2 after Ramadan break. The topic was light and my lovely listeners were GORGEOUS as usual. I finished and I was still able to catch the rain and I got soaked under the rain waiting for a rickshaw. 

It was a gorgeous day altogether. I am going to continue work and prepare some stuff for tomorrow so Good Night for now Lovelies. 

Happy Day 10

My second week of this challenge and I am slacking a bit with my lil one's exercises session which I hope do not have a reverse effect on his muscles and body. However, when you are a parent of a disabled child you sometimes feel like they need a bit of beak and they need to sometimes feel normal. I understand his dinky body is in dire need of the exercise but being happy and healthy also should have an effect on his progress. My lil one grew up in a very great environment to the extent that he does not have the inner feeling that pushes him to do more (as in woke independently and become an independent little individual). He loves the attention he gets from everyone, he adores his walker, he enjoys going to physiotherapy and he can't get enough of his shadow teacher (I am happy with his positive energy but his therapists aren't)

Today, I spent my day doing absolutely nothing, I chilled most of the day and I watched TV (and did a bit of reading too).

What I was very happy about was dealing with my nephew who is about 2 years old. He usually gets extremely scared around us because he lives abroad and he isn't used to us. When my brother left for just a couple of hours, I was successful in calming him down and getting all the toys he is interested in (a massive pat on my back). 

I was also happy about looking after my sister who had a migraine and I baby-sat the kids while she took a bit of rest. Then my lil one and I spent a bit of time together enjoying a meal together then we both went to bed. 

During the day, my lil one had a sad incident where his present toy gun stopped working and  that broke his heart. Being the good mother I am, I promised him that I will take it to the repairman and I will get it fixed (Not knowing that the repairman was only me and I will end up fixing it after he goes to sleep). I tried to fix it but to no success as I failed miserably and I wasn't able to find the problem. So I decided to hide the broken gun, then go out and buy him a new one tomorrow (problem solved without him realizing ofcourse). Super-mum achieved GOALS..!!
My attempts of fixing the toy gun :(

Again with the late posts, but better late than never. Have a great day Lovelies. 

P.S. looking back at the photo I posted, makes me wonder is that how violence grow in lil ones!! Keep in mind that this is JUST A TOY GUN NOT A REAL ONE. And I am totally against violence (^_^)'''''

Friday 8 July 2016

Happy Day 9

This is my second week in my 100 Happy Days challenge, I am still as excited as when I first started. I noticed that I somewhat changed not a lot but just small bits of my thought process, I  slowly started to notice the happy things that happen in my day, I also started becoming calmer and less stressful than before.

Today was the most stressful day since I started the challenge. Being a parent of a disabled child is all about hanging in there through the ups and downs of your child's life. My lil one suffers from Cerebral Palsy and he has a physical disability that affects his movement and muscle control. He continuously needs physiotherapy to strengthen his muscles, but recently we had a public holiday therefore his physiotherapy centre closed for 7 days 7 WHOLE DAYS..WHICH NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE..!!). During those days, I was advised to train him at home and so I do that daily until the centre ones up next Monday.

Today's training was very stressful, my lil one struggles a lot during the exercise and He wasn't able to coordinate his legs movement along with his arms movement. It was also extremely frustrating for me to watch him struggle when attempting a very basic move. Normally at this point I will be in pieces and I will just stop the exercise, however, I didn't act so frustrated today and I didn't lash out of his sight. I continued encouraging him and kept reminding myself that he is still a child and he is actually trying his best. That thought calmed me down quite a lot and I was very supportive after the exercise. 

After the exercise session, my lil one got Eid a present and Eid money which was nice. I also noticed that since I started my lil one on multivitamins and Omega 3, his appetite has become a lot better (I am really happy about that). We ended our day together with a bit of Pizza and Fries. 

Now due to migraine I forgot to post something last night and I ended posting this morning. But it is all good and Good Morning to all of you lovelies

Thursday 7 July 2016

Happy Day 8

The only word I can use for today is EVENTFUL. Although it started fairly slow and quite, it quickly evolved into the most interesting day so far. The first thing I was extremely excited about is that I started reading again (Thanks to my friend Sarah) and the book is the Ann Frank Diaries. I watched a documentary on her story before I started reading  the book to give me an idea of what to expect and it was extremely grabbing.

Another exciting part of my day is that my sister had a friend visiting from the UAE (where I was born and lived for about 20 years before moving to Sudan). The visit was extremely nostalgic and brought back a lot of memories of my friends and the times I spent goofing about in Abu Dhabi. That time was one of the best chapters in my life where everything seemed perfect for a minute. 

After a visit, my mum approached me with a surprise work prospect with a diplomat who lived a couple of houses away. Despite the fact that it was awkward at the beginning and everything seemed eerie, I received a call from the diplomat and he sounded legit so far (personally I will just follow my gut feeling with this one).

During the visit, another surprise happened that got my sister stressing over her husband's whereabouts. She received a call then he went missing for about 3 hours without calling back. We ended up calling all the people we know who have some kind of connection with the police to find his location. Fortunately, my brother in law answered one of my calls and we were all quickly assured that he was fine and it was just a small misunderstanding. 

If you are wondering why I haven't posted earlier, it is simply because I fell asleep while my lil one was sleeping (and I ended up sleeping for about 12 great hours). The greatest thing of the day happened when my sister woke me up in the middle of the night to give me a couple of slices of Pizza which was perfect. After my bite, I quickly turned over and continued my sleep.

So instead of good night, it will be a good morning from me lovelies. 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Happy Day 7

Today marks one week since I started the 100 Happy Days Challenge. I am extremely proud of myself for making it this far (as I thought I will quit this challenge just like I quit everything else that is a challenge in my life). Today was also the Eid day 1, since I was celebrating it with my family, it was extremely special not only for me but for my little one.

My lil one woke up extra early to get his action figures which I promised him of 3 weeks ago. He completed his collection and now him and his cousin have a total of 8 action figures that include; 2 spidermen, 2 batmen, one superman, buzlightyear, an alien and a wrestler.

Right after getting his gifts, he had to start his daily training using the knee braises and the walker. He was uncomfortable at the beginning but he continued to pick up the strength and worked harder bless him. Then he put on his new clothes and he looked extra handsome with his haircut (I absolutely love his CUTE FACE).

Then we got excited about the arrival of my brother from the UAE, who got my lil one and his cousin a RED SPIDERMAN Backpack, and that send both of them over the roof. Our busy happy day did not stop here, my lil one and I went to visit my colleague Sarah from the Radio who invited me for Eid Biryani (which excited me and sent me over the roof). Sarah's company was superb (She always interact a lot comfortably when in her own zone) and her mum's Biryani was superb. My lil one ended up getting money for eid, I ended up spending some adult time with Sarah and I took some books to read from Sarah and a couple of shirts (HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY).

If you think the day came to an end then, you are mistaken my friend because I received a call from my sister who asked me to meet her and the family at the mall. As soon as I got the call, I got my stuff together and head to the mall to meet up with my family and had a bite at the food court. What I loved the most is the drive home which was lovely.

Now I am thinking of making a coffee, get some biscuit and enjoy a read. Thank you Sarah (^_^). Good night for now lovelies

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Happy Day 6

Today, I had a relaxed day all that I did is catch up with all the sleep I missed and watched some Korean series. The highlight of my day was that my lil one got a hair cut and he looks very handsome. I had the final iftar of the final day of Ramadan with my sister and I spent some quality time with my lil one. On top of all this my lil one is going to be receiving a gift package from his uncle and aunt in England (fingers crossed it will arrive safely).

Eid Mubarak to all of you lovelies who are celebrating Eid around the globe, may you have a wonderful time with your loved ones. And if you are not celebrating Eid then have a great day regardless and try not let anyone put you down.

Good night lovelies.

P.S. This evening's advice to all of you, is try to be Generous. Give freely and without expecting anything in return (you will feel relieved).

Monday 4 July 2016

Happy Day 5

Today was such a heavy day on my soul, and I tried to play it off and sweep my sorrow under the carpet and make jokes of the situation. My radio show, which i co present with 3 or 4 other presenters, came to an end with the final episode airing this Ramadan (keeping in mind that we will meet again next year same time if we are all in the same place). I had to calm my emotions down and try to make sense of all the emotional roller coaster which I was dealing with. I honestly will miss my lovely co presenters who shared this Ramadan with me, whether it was good or bad, and I want to Thank you all through this post. To be honest, was it that I am stressing about parting from my colleagues at work? Or was it that I am such a workaholic that having no work seems so nerve wrecking? (I will let you decide ^_^''')

I was going to talk about free gifts and how they provide you with a bit of happiness, I received a giveaway out of the blue this morning that made my day and started me on a great note. I got a free USB stick and a red pen from one of our sponsors at the Radio (DAL Motors). My lil one had a great day off with lots of play with his little Spider-man and I loved how smooth my last lesson went before my 6 day break starts.

My sister and her husband bought us PIZZA and that was almost highlight of the day until I got to the Radio and found out that today was my final episode on my radio show. My biggest problem is that I am uncomfortable with change, I hate unfamiliar and unknown changes. I keep reminding myself that I have to enjoy my present moment without stressing over a future that didn't happen and I am not sure if it will happen or not. It was my biggest challenge as of yet to face such distress, which I have never thought I will face ever. I smiled throughout the show and in front of everyone, I talked nonstop and almost revealed my vulnerabilities (which wasn't nice and I don't like doing this).

So I decided instead of sinking in my own sorrows, I would thank you all for a lovely month of Ramadan. And Thank you to my sister and her husband for the PIZZA. The last thank you goes to my lil one who was gorgeous and well behaved today.

Guys honestly it doesn't take much to make someone happy, a simple gift can make someone happy. And if you are broke like myself then just saying THANK YOU followed by a SINCERE HUG will be sufficient too.

I will try to get my thought off the topic and get me some coffee without any sweets this time and I will enjoy my evening since I have no work for the next 6 days (OH MY LORD..!!)

P.S. I don't know how to relax properly so I planned out some work to be completed in the next 6 days. 

Sunday 3 July 2016

Happy Day 4

I have noticed since the beginning of my challenge there are two thoughts that keep creeping into my mind. The thought that things happen when it is time for it to happen and (most importantly) we are all here to fulfill our destinies and complete our roles in this life. Once that is fulfilled, we are ready to face our next challenge. It has been a very long time since I last felt this inner peace about my life. I always had some kind of struggle towards something in my life whether it is marriage, life partner, child, country, work, pay.. etc. and I've always been unsatisfied with the cards that I've been dealt and I kept thinking that the "Grass is ALWAYS Greener on everyone's side except mine". That was toxic and I am glad that I have reached a point where I can look back at my life and say that I have changed.

Today was one of these days when I wasn't well health wise. I don't want to delve into it since I'm feeling a lot better now and I have recovered quite nicely. So my 100 Happy Days Challenge continues on to unfold some crazy eventful days.

My lil one is finally having a 6 day break from his nonstop physiotherapy sessions. He wasn't able to hide his excitement when he found out, so I started telling him about all the great things we will end up doing (which are NOT PLANNED YET..! AND I'M COMPLETELY BROKE FOR).
On top of all of this excitement, I received an email from the Radio informing all the presenters (including yours truly) that we will be taking a break starting Tuesday for about 5 days (PERFECT, RIGHT!). I was uneasy about not having work at first due to my addictive personality and my workaholic tendencies. However, I started to calm down as soon as I thought of all the places and all the things that my lil and I can do together since the last time we had such time together was July 2013 (Almost 3 years ago). We will start bonding and create unforgettable memories together that will keep us happy till our next adventures together.

Another thing I am extremely happy about is that I started seeing my lil one as my companion in this journey called life. He teaches me a lot on how to become responsible, strong and intelligent, and I teach him teach him (hmmm...!! well you know...!!!) how to become a child and enjoy his childhood. 

Although my health was not on tip top shape this morning, I didn't feel like taking a rest nor relaxing and I planned to go about my day as usual; drop my lil one off at physio then pick him up, picking up my orders from a nearby place and conducting my lessons. To my surprise and completely out of the blue, my mum decided to go out and she was able to drop my lil one off at physio. What's better is that on the way back, y brother in-law was coming back home so he was able to pick my lil one up from physio on his way. It turned out that the universe was forcing me to have one of these stay-in-bed days and I took it without hesitation (if it was the previous me, I would've dragged myself across the city to do everything). 

As for work, I enjoyed a succulent meal prepared by my friend who decided to take my advice into consideration. What really made me happy is that my friend looked a lot better, healthier and most importantly happier. The show went well and very smooth and I finished my day with a massive smile on my face (^_^)

Finally, I went out with my sister and her husband to look for new clothes which turned out to be an interesting evening out filled with TONS of laughter and crazy jokes. So thank you guys for making my evening count and staying out with me till late knowing that you have work tomorrow morning.

Now, I'm going to prepare a cup of coffee so I can enjoy a bit of cake with it and I will talk to you tomorrow. Good Night Lovelies

This is where Spider-man sleeps
p.s. I decided to give my lil one one of his action figure present and this is where Spider-man sleeps for the past 4 days :)