Saturday 1 October 2016

Happy Day 90

So as you guessed it.. I was away for about 2 day..YES 2 DAYS..!! I was sick and out of service for both days but today I decided to pick up all the bits and pieces of my energy to go to school and resume my life as normal.

Tuesday's Topic was the first Hijabi on Playboy Magazine

Today is Wednesday; September 28th

I was very hesitant to go back to school today for some odd reason, I always feel useless and out of place once I take a day off or miss a day of work. However, once I stepped foot at school I was greeted by one of my students who ran towards me and gave me a massive hug. I missed my students and I thought they forgot about me but they did not. I missed each and every student, these little ones felt like my children whom I have abandoned for 2 days. We had a great day together and I also received some bad feedback on the behaviour of some of them. I was quickly on top of things. And I was thinking and planning to change their behaviour and attitudes toward each other. I finally felt like I fitted in perfectly and that is the feeling that reassures me that I was born to become a teacher. Teaching is the only job I can imagine myself do until I die, and having days off or being absent just reminds me how much I love my job and I honestly appreciate it.

After school I was able to do a bit of work on my classroom and arranged some stuff then I headed home for a bit of break. Then I quickly went to my second love which was the Radio. Although Tuesday was the day I officially started after a couple of days off, but today felt even better and more powerful. I enjoy my time and I love the space the Radio provides for me. My Tuesday show was great because I just came back and I was able to play some great new songs which my listeners loved as much as I did. I was singing and dancing to the new songs and even some of the listeners commented about how great my list of songs was. Today, the show was also great as my listeners loved the topic and they were able to comment endlessly on what would they do if they were in that position.

Wednesday's Topic 

Getting back to work is like getting back to life, I guess that is the meaning of a workaholic..! Have a Great Evening for now Lovelies (^_^)

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