Sunday 9 October 2016

Happy Day 99

The day I decided to cancel all my private lessons to live a normal day with my little man. I decided to socialize with some great people and chose not to get upset and angry at all the foolishness around me.

Today is Friday; October 7th

The day started off on a very strange tone where everything was ok and quickly it went down hill and I felt like running away from home and finding shelter somewhere else. The morning bore some great news which only one person is aware of as I did not share it with anyone. Every single time I tried to start my conversation regarding this topic I get interrupter and the topic tends to change and becomes the other individual's issue.

I decided to get my lil man who was dressed as a little Spiderman and took him to his shadow teacher's house. I spent the whole evening there as I wanted to see other people and socialize away from home, yet my small secret was unrevealed to anyone. My little man had such a great time with his teacher and he enjoyed spending some time away from our house.

Although it was the International Smile Day, it was filled with some issues and problems which I had to calmly face. I was surprised at my reaction at someone who burst in my face out of no where, normally I would burst back on them but this time I calmly gathered my breakfast and headed towards my room and started getting ready to leave the house with my lil man.

I know I am almost done with this challenge and my biggest challenge is to continue in the same light hearted mannar. Have a Great Morning Lovelies (^_^)

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