Sunday 2 October 2016

Happy Day 94

I once posted on my Facebook account 3 years today the following
("First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
The very wise words of my role model #Gandhi #InternationalDayOfNonViolence

Today is Sunday; October 2nd

Being greeted this morning by something I posted in 2013 on Facebook was one of the things that really got me reflecting on where I was and where I am and what I have come across to achieve all this. I still remember when I barely had no money and I had to save every penny to make sure that my lil one and I have enough to get to physio and back. I still remember taking the bus in the heat wave with my lil one just to get to places. Life is filled with so much mysteries and all you have to do is keep unfolding the presents that come your way with the biggest smile you are capable of showing.

I keep getting asked at school (What am I on?) just because I walk into school with the biggest smile ever, not knowing the amount of horrid things I have experienced just to get to school in the morning. I smile because I have overcome so much not because I am special just because I remember the bad things, I am grateful for all the good things and I am proud of myself for merely surviving it all. I used to wish I had a better life, a better fortune but not anymore, this is where I am and this is where I am meant to be with my lovely little son who is a cerebral palsy patient. And I wish it no different any more.

Today was yet another difficult day, October is one mean month, with lots of work and running around as usual. I wanted to skip physiotherapy as my lil one was extremely drained and he wanted to play for a bit, however, I pushed through and we got out of the door at 11am. I had to gather all the strength in the world to step foot out of the house to face today as it was HOT HOT HOT and I had no motivation to do anything.

I forced myself to face people and be nice although I had a lot of difficult moments where I could have been a lot worse than how I acted. After my difficult day, I had a good private lesson with a student whose school fails to provide him with the minimum needs which got me even more livid and aggravated at the educational system in the country I live in although there are many great teachers but the bad ones seem to spread faster than super bugs.

At the end of my lesson, I had to take both my student and my lil one with me to the Radio Station as I promised my lil one. They both had fun and they enjoyed their time till my student's father picked him up and my lil one had to stay until I finished my show.

Now my lil man is sleeping happily and I need to prep for school which is tomorrow, so Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)  

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