Monday 10 October 2016

Happy Day 100

I have completed 100 days today and it was such a busy full day. I did everything although I was extremely shattered and drained throughout my day because I had a horrid sleep at night.

Today is Saturday; October 8th

The morning was very tiring as I woke up in pieces and had to take my lil one to the physiotherapy before heading to my private lesson. I got a bit late at my private lesson but it was done and it was a lot of fun. My private student is leaving in a few days and I find it very strange how I am getting emotional about them leaving. I am a HOARDER i guess that is why it is very difficult to let go.

After my lesson, I picked up my lil and dropped him off at home and that is when I received a call form one of my colleagues asking me to meet her up for a Mani and Padi..!! I was happy but at the same time I didn't know how to feel about leaving my lil one on our only day off. I was getting emotional again and decided maybe I should not go to stay with my lil one but my colleague sounded sad and in need of a pep-talk. I quickly changed my mind and went to met Sarah at the Beauty Parlor which was great, I felt refreshed, my feet felt great and Sarah had fun.

I ended up spending hours and hours out of the house which was unexpected and I got home very late, I only was able to sit with my lil one for an hour or so before I had another private lesson which lasted for about an hour and a half. Then I had to meet another friend to enjoy a bit of a walk and a SUCCULENT meal at a place called Papa J. When I got home, I found my poor lil one wide awake, waiting for me to tell me that his tap wasn't working.

My 100th day turned out to be such an interesting day with lots happening in it. Making memories is what it is all about. This journey has allowed me to grow, love my life and live the moment rather than wish for a different present and hope for an amusing future. I loved this journey and where it took and how I was capable to pick myself up through the ups and downs. Thank you for reading and following me on my blog, this post will mark the end of it. Keep enjoying your lives and live it rather than escaping it.

And for the last time, Have a Great Evening Lovelies (^_^)

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