Friday 7 October 2016

Happy Day 98

The day I felt appreciated and supported by my work place..!! This day is one of the rarest days ever, as it never happens often (we're not smooth like the weeknd!) and it was one of the nicest gestures ever.

Today is Thursday; October 6th

I am lucky enough to work with one of the most inspirational teachers in Sudan who I believe can teach me quite a lot about teaching, persistence, honesty and integrity. I was blessed by having her next to me to seek advice and comfort whenever possible. We agreed that we will alternate the swimming day between us to be able to complete our work as much as possible. So I decided to stay behind this morning to complete my correction, which I have done most of, and it felt very scary. It felt like I have abandoned my lil students and I was worried about them most of the time hence I was incapable to do as much work as possible. The day went by quite pleasantly as my students decided to behave better after our little mindful listening game we did yesterday which is part of The Mind Up program I started applying on the.

Just before we were done with school, the Deputy Head, asked me for 2 students and so I choose 2 of my best students and I complete forgot about them as I started lining up my children to have their fruit break. As soon as they walked in and without me noticing anything, shame on me, my student handed me  the prettiest flower in the history of flowers with a side note stuck on it just for me! I was pleasantly surprised by that and I immediately hugged my lil student and thanked her not knowing what is going on and why am I getting flowers. Lots of thoughts started rushing through my mind, (was it because I did such a great job at the observation, was it that I was finally appreciated), until I went to Miss Maria who informed me that it was World Teacher Appreciation Day.

The flower filled me with lots of joy, I was extremely happy throughout the rest of the day. Regardless of my complete and utter exhaustion, I decided to do a bit of work to prep for my short week coming up as that little single flower was the greatest incentive any workplace can give its employees to motivate them to work harder.

With this great feeling I will continue work as I wish all of you a Great Evening (^_^) 

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